Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 - Briar's POV

Dan managed to get us the entire top floor of the icebergs to do everything we needed in order to make the best music videos that we could. The four of us decided that we would meet up there within the next thirty minutes because I had to deal with another situation. Emily neglected to tell me that the Waverely City Council Lifeguards would be at the Icebergs to help plan for the Australian Fundraiser Gala, a national wide gala ball where many different charities and groups go to raise money. The lifeguards would be there to help fundraise money for things like new lifesaving equipment. Let's just hope I can get into the icebergs without making a scene, even though I'm already sitting in the parking lot and I'm not sure how I'm going to get in there without causing commotion.

I turned around and searched the back of my car for something to make me blend in. I dug my hand through piles of bathing suits, towels and every brand of wetsuit imaginable. You'd think out of enough clothes to run a boutique from the back of my car, I'd have at least a sweatshirt. But sadly no. I turned back around frustrated and slammed my hands on the wheel. As I sulked in my dilemma, I noticed some of the lifeguards walking into the icebergs, then a thought hit me. I quickly dug through my bag and pulled out my phone, all I needed to do was call my dad and ask him to bring me a jacket or something, that way I could get in unnoticed!

I was listening to the phone ringing when I actually saw my dad walk into the icebergs, it was as if he didn't even hear his phone ring! It went straight to his voicemail, I hung up the call and thought about my other options. Piper and Emily aren't going to be here, it's just me and the three other girls. I could call Jesse? But then I might just get questioned about everything, and why I'm here. The same goes with Max and I don't think I want to deal with that just yet. I dug through my clothes one more time in hopes to find something, I grabbed onto something which I didn't expect to find, it's Nick's hat from when we dated. I actually got chills at the thought of ever dating him, but a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.

"I'll wear it for like two minutes, just to hide myself and then- I'll burn it," I told my myself as I stared at the hat, I cringed as I slipped it over my ponytail and onto my head.

I took a deep breath in and got out of the car, I walked towards the icebergs and quickened my pace because I was nervous that someone was going to recognize who I was, or worse the paparazzi were going to find out we were all here

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I took a deep breath in and got out of the car, I walked towards the icebergs and quickened my pace because I was nervous that someone was going to recognize who I was, or worse the paparazzi were going to find out we were all here. I pulled up my sweatshirt to somewhat cover me up and kept my head tilted down. Once in the icebergs I felt a sense of relief, I looked around and didn't see any of the lifeguards, but once I walked towards the stairs I noticed they were all just outside the door having conversations amongst themselves. I noticed my dad check his phone and then put it up to his ear, instantly my phone began blaring. They all looked in my direction but I sprinted up the stairs before they could see me, I answered the phone like nothing was wrong.

"Hello," I just made it around the corner, I was somewhat out of breath but there was so much noise outside my dad didn't even notice.

"Darlin' I just saw you called me, how are you doing!" my Dad asked, I laughed because no matter how many times I tell him that I'm alright he's just going to ask again and probably one hundred times after that.

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