Part 7

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Triggers: Hangover and talk about sex & being pregnant.

Patton woke up next to Logan, naked. He had the worst headache he ever had in his life which caused him to groan which woke Logan up and he did the same.
"Lo, how much did we drink last night?" Patton asked.
"I don't know. What did we do? Were in Roman's guest room naked." Logan said.
"Shit shit shit shit shit fuck fuck!" Patton started screaming and hyperventilating.
"Patton? What's wrong?" Logan asked putting a hand on his.
"L-Logan, I think we had sex. I can still get pregnant What if we weren't protected and I'm pregnant. I can't ask my mom about birth control because she would know we had sex and flip out. How will I handle the dysphoria if I am pregnant? I should've gotten bottom surgery while I had the chance." Patton said crying.
"Hey, hey.. listen to me okay? No matter what, I'm right here with you. I will just have to remind you that you are a man. You have always been a man and always will be a man. " Logan said.
"Thank you Lo, I love you." Patton said.
"I love you too." Logan said giving him a kiss on the head. "No matter what." They both than heard a scream from Virgil and got up. Patton had never had any kind of sex before and he was sure that it was rough since he couldn't walk, he fell instantly after trying to walk.
"Fuck! We did have sex" Patton said crying. Logan picked him up in a cradle and kissed his head.
"If we did, and you are pregnant. I love you the same. I don't care if you keep it or get an abortion. It's your body. I won't tell you what to do. Also you have hickeys all over your neck." Logan said. Patton kissed the underside of his neck sweetly.
"W-what? How will I hide that?"

They ran to see Virgil on the floor outside of Roman's room.
"Baby, what's wrong?" Roman asked.
"My fucking ass hurts you dick." Virgil yelled.
"You weren't complaining last night." Roman retorted with a smirk.
"Shut the... Shut the fuck up!" Virgil yelled again. Roman scooped him and put him in a cradle and he crossed his arms.
"Hey Roman, do you have ingredients for prairie oyster?" Logan asked
"What the fuck is that?" Roman said.
"Fine, I'll make it." Logan said putting Patton on the couch. Logan soon made 4 servings of prairie oyster and handed it to everyone.
"Ok, this will not taste good, but it will cure our hangovers instantly." Logan said. "Cheers?"
"Cheers." Everyone said in unison clinking the cups together. They all took a sip and scrunched their faces from how bad it tasted, but it did the trick.
"Patton, do you need help walking?" Logan asked. In which response Patton nodded. Logan held out both his hands and Patton grabbed them and stood up from the couch and started to walk slowly. Patton was wincing in pain.
"If at anytime you need to stop, tell me." Logan said. Patton nodded again. They were walking again and they were getting faster.
"You good Pat?" Logan asked. Patton let go of his arms and walked fine.
"Thanks Lo." Patton said with a kiss on the cheek. He looked over and Roman was helping Virgil walk with no success.
"Great, we have practice tomorrow." Virgil said.
"Awe shit." Roman said. "We'll continue this later."
"Shit, I gotta go." Patton said looking at a text from his mom.
"I'll drive you home, my parents probably don't care where I am right now." Logan said. Logan opened his car door for Patton and he got inside. They started to drive.
"Lo, are you sure you will still love me if I am pregnant?" Patton asked.
"Love, if you murdered someone I would still love you, hell, I'd help you dispose of the evidence." Logan said.
"Thanks, I'm scared..I am." Patton said.
"Check in a month, I'll be with you." Logan said.
"Thanks Lo." Patton said kissing him on the cheek.

A/N: This story could not get any cringeyer. 😂

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