Part 21

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Art from @blotchsketch on instagram. Check them out!

Triggers: Abuse and rape mention. Also Horny Patton alert.

      After Roman and Virgil fell asleep Patton rolled over his wheelchair to Logan.
"Lo?" Patton said.
"Yeah babe?" Logan said.
" never told me what your parents did to you. At the barn." Patton said.
"Oh." Logan said looking down.
"Y-you don't have to tell me! It's just-" Patton said getting cut off.
"No, your my boyfriend. You deserve to know. So long story short. I wasn't just in that chair in the room the entire time I was there. My father mostly beat me. To be specific he threw me down flights of stairs, shoved me into walls, and he-he." Logan started to break down. Patton went to his side comforting him.
"Hey, shhhh. It's okay. We don't need to talk about it." Patton said.
"But your my boyfriend you deserve to know. So, um. On multiple occasions he would...rape me." Logan said as he busted down crying. Patton was there by his side. "My mother would eventually join in too. My father would drug me and not feed me for days. He would burn and cut me. " Patton is fuming with anger at this point.
"They will never hurt you again as long as I'm alive." Patton said. He was crying at this point too. The thought of Logan being so helpless made him upset.
"Let's go to bed love. You need sleep. " Logan said.
"So do you." Patton said.

Logan had to help Patton get changed since he barely had any range of motion in his body. Patton was really sore in his stomach so he didn't want to raise his arms so he just slept without a shirt on as Logan does every night. He has less now because of the fact of what happened to him. Patton curled up in Logan's chest and Logan brushed his curly hair with his fingers. Patton started tracing circles on Logan's chest. From being super hormonal he has been super horny all the time. He started to bite his lip and smile.
"Hey, Lo~?" Patton said.
"Yeah, Pat?" Logan said.
"Can we have sex?" Patton said.
"No Pat. Your pelvic bone is broken, it'll hurt it more. I'm sorry." Logan said.
"But Logan." Patton said. He gave him puppy dog eyes.
"No Patton. End of discussion." Logan said as he got out of bed and walked out of the door. Patton started crying, he didn't want to make him mad. He just wanted to have sex with him. He hugged the pillow and cried into it.

Logan walked out of the house and onto the patio and started crying. He hated to say no to Patton, he definitely would have sex with him, but his pelvic bone is broken. He started to sob on the deck as he saw Virgil walk out.
"Hey dude? What's wrong?" He asked.
"It's nothing." Logan responded.
"You and Patton get into an argument?" Virgil said.
"Something like that." Logan said.
"What happened?" Virgil sighed.
"He wanted to have sex with me. I said no, he gave me the fucking puppy dog eyes. I had to walk out because I don't want to hurt him." Logan started sobbing. Virgil put a hand on his shoulder.
"Lo, listen. He's pregnant. He's hormonal. He's going to want to have sex. You can't have a mental break down over telling someone you love 'no' okay? You know how many times I've said 'no' to Roman? A lot. I love that fucker, but man he can be a douche. Just know, saying 'no' is okay. Patton may be hurt, but you did the right thing saying no okay?" Virgil said.
"Okay. Thanks Virge." Logan said.
"Anytime fuckass. Get back to sleep." Virgil said flicking him on the head.

Patton was sobbing loudly into the pillow. Roman walked into the door.
"Hey Pat? You good?" Roman asked.
"N-No. N-Not r-r-really." Patton responded
"Trouble in Paradise?" Roman asked holding out his hand to Patton to help him sit up.
"Something like that." Patton said taking his hand groaning in pain as he sat up.
"What happened?" Roman said sitting next to him.
"All I wanted to do was have sex with him! The asshat said no!" Patton said sobbing louder.
"Why did he say no?" Roman asked putting his hand on Patton's.
"He didn't want to hurt my pelvic bone." Patton said.
"Pat? He did the right thing saying no." Roman said.
"But, he-" Patton started to speak but Roman cut him off.
"Ahhbudedat. Was walking out and leaving you alone the right decision? Hell no. Should he have stayed here with you? Hell yeah. He is just looking out for you. Virgil is with him right now. He's upset too Pat. You're not going to be a black and white couple where you're always happy. Your going to get into arguments and you're going to be frustrated with each other. That's in the contract. You're going to have to live with it. Saying 'no' was the right thing to do for your safety." Roman said.
"I guess you're right." Patton said.

Logan walked in right on after a couple minutes. Roman pat Patton on the back.
"Hey Pat." Logan wiping away his tears.
"I'm so so sorry Lo. I should've asked." Patton rambled.
"Baby calm down. I should've talked to you. I'm sorry for walking out with no explanation, I just hate saying no to you. I don't want to hurt you." Logan said.
"I'm so sorry." Patton was bawling. Logan picked him up carefully in a bridal position and kissed he forehead and placed him on the bed.
"You don't have to be sorry Pat. I'm the one who walked out on you. I'm a douche." Logan said getting into bed beside him.
"No you're not. You just made a mistake that's all." Patton said cuddling into Logan.
"I love you." Logan said.
"I love you too." Patton said slurring his words from tiredness and yawning. Logan kissed his head and fell asleep too.

Important A/N: So the picture at the top is the position they sleep in. The art is not mine it's from @blotchsketch on instagram and it is from a comic. You should check them out they have some pretty neat art work. Also this is going to sound really bitchy but I know it says not to repost their art work but the whole thing is a comic and I'm crediting the source? Idk, I'll delete it if I have to any I love you guys. ❤️

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