Chapter Six: Respite (2)

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 Chapter Six: Respite (2)  

"Ancient teachings has it that women are not allowed on s.h.i.+ps." An elderly voice sounded from the side. Seeing Ling Qingyu suddenly turn her head, an old man banged his pipe against the stone table. He took a deep breath and blew out a circle of smoke. While squinting with enjoyment, he slowly said, "With women on the s.h.i.+p, it will be sure to capsize. Even if you are Lin Jiashen's daughter, the sea G.o.d will still flip your s.h.i.+p."

"Old Wu? You didn't die?" exclaimed Ding Budong happily.

"I was supposed to die. But, before getting on the s.h.i.+p, I caught a cold. Everyone pitied me and made me stay behind. With this, I kept my life." The old man looked at Ling Qingyu, "Miss. The head was a good man. Please don't end his bloodline."

Ling Qingyu asked Zhen Xi in a low voice, "Who is this person?"

Zheng Xi's face was full of celebration, "Master Wu. This Aeolus was built by him. He is the Quan Province's best s.h.i.+pwright."

Ling Qingyu showed a positive expression. She tidied her dress and bowed deeply. "Greetings to elder Wu."

"No need to be polite. Your father, Head Lin, is my benefactor. I cannot watch while his only offspring loses her life," said Wu Da in a low voice while glaring intensely at Ding Budong.

Ling Qingyu coughed, "Elder Wu, I heard that this Aeolus was the fastest s.h.i.+p in the Quan Province."

"Of course." Wu Da subconsciously raised his head as if saying, "You should consider who built it."

"I can see the skeleton of the Aeolus is still good. How much money and time do you think it will take to fix it?" asked Ling Qingyu with a smile.

"Mm. With Elder Wu, I think more than half a month should do it. The mast has to be replaced. Adding on the deck, it will take at least three thousand silvers," said Ding Budong when he saw Wu Da frowning and keeping quiet.

"Women cannot step on a s.h.i.+p," said Wu Da as he cleaned his pipe.

"Elder Wu. Women should be referring to mature women right? See, I have not had my first period, so I don't count as a woman yet. I don't think anyone has said that children are not allowed on a s.h.i.+p?" said Ling Qingyu while grinning. But, the three men were so surprised that their eyes were bulging.

Wu Da re-evaluated this girl in front of him. She had a ponytail behind her head. Her clothes were fresh and clean. A smile full of sincerity filled her round face. Even her freckles and acne appeared friendly. He couldn't believe how a girl like this could easily talk about menstruation.

Ling Qingyu held her smiling face. She was so stiff that she felt her face was about to fall off. Finally, Wu Da said, "After the s.h.i.+p is fixed, Ding Budong can sail into the sea."

"But we don't have a navigator," said Ding Budong before Ling Qingyu could speak out. How can women step on a s.h.i.+p? When Zheng Xi found him, he had thought all he needed to do was find a place to settle this orphan girl; definitely not to take her out to the sea. But, after seeing that sea map and her focus towards it, he felt his heart move in response. Many unexpected events brought Ling Qingyu to this situation.

"If you were to step on the s.h.i.+p, no one will consider you as a woman or a child." Wu Da sighed. He also knew that the most important thing for sailing is a navigator. In the vast ocean, if they lose their way, they are as good as dead. A good navigator can greatly increase their chances of survival. If Ding Budong trusts this girl, then she must have her special points. Otherwise, it could be that Head Lin had kept more secrets than he knew.

"I understand. I have already chosen this path, so I won't act like a woman or a child. Also, I have already started my own household. The Lin family can kill my father, my brother. But I, Ling Qingyu, will ensure my Ling family's sea flag will stand until the end of the ocean!" proclaimed Ling Qingyu with a laugh like the rising sun.

Although Wu Da still believed a girl should stay at home to tend the farmland and live a peaceful life, this little girl had said such rousing words. More so, the very act of fighting to obtain revenge for her mother and father's death is quite admirable. He may not have accepted it completely, but he decided to give all the support he had in his old bones.

"If Elder Wu doesn't have any objections, I have a few small suggestions." Seeing Wu Da's expression, Ling Qingyu decided to strike the iron while it's still hot. "When big brother came home last time, he told me a few thoughts. If the s.h.i.+p can have an addition front sail and another triangular back sail, the s.h.i.+p will be able to sail much faster. An iron helm can also be added and the s.h.i.+p's hold can be raised."

Ling Qingyu bent down to pick up a rock and draw the blueprint of a tower s.h.i.+p (a type of ancient Chinese s.h.i.+p that contains a tower on its deck).

As the blueprint became clearer, Wu Da and Ding Budong began to focus more. They were both experiences sailers. After considering every details, they immediately understood that these were tremendous changes and improvements to current sea s.h.i.+ps.

Ling Qingyu finally let out a breath as she sat down in the horse carriage and lowered its curtains. She understood that her display did not reflect the actions of a fifteen year old girl. But it was unavoidable since she was a woman reaching her forties deep inside. Also, her personality wouldn't allow her to act like a little lolita. Good thing Lin Huiniang was hidden away while growing up, and her father's subordinates did not have a chance to meet her. They may harbor doubt within their hearts, but with trust in her father, they should still look after her. Also, no matter it be Ding Budong or Wu Da; both are capable people. She initially thought that since the tower s.h.i.+p she described would not appear for a few hundred years, they may not accept it. Yet, not only did they accept her suggestions but added their own opinions as well.

This is better. Foreign commerce has always been the most lucrative in history. Only by acc.u.mulating enough wealth could she become more influential.

Ling Qingyu closed her eyes to consider which trade route would help her earn the greatest profit.

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