Chapter Eleven: On the s.h.i.+p

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Chapter Eleven: On the s.h.i.+p 

The sea breeze blew on her face with a hint of wetness.

Ling Qingyu closed her eyes and carefully explored the information brought by the wind. In the summer, for a s.h.i.+p powered by sails, it was not an easy trip for a s.h.i.+p sailing from Quanzhou to South Asia. The wind in this season blows to the northeast. A return trip would be much simpler and faster. But now, they are going opposite of the wind. For a navigator, this requires more skill.

Ling Qingyu jumped off the bow and took over the operation of the middle sails. She directed the sail's directions. Even though the Aeolus is much bigger than the small craft she handled before, the basic logic is the same. With Ling Qingyu's adjustment, the s.h.i.+p's speed increased a bit.

Ling Qingyu threw the rope back to a sailor and ignored the expression on his face. Since departure, her familiarity with wind direction and currents, and the ability to navigate, reflected the experience of a veteran. This amazed Ding Dong and the sailors. The other people had never been on a s.h.i.+p before and didn't have strong reactions to a little girl navigating and altering the sails. But Ding Dong, Zheng Xi and the few other sailors had been on voyages before and could recognize the skill of this little girl. She was able to perform beyond Lin Jianshen and Ding Dong's abilities.

Ling Qingyu didn't pay much attention to their doubts and surprises. If she hid her skills on a s.h.i.+p full of amateurs, they might end up dead; following the expectations of those people on land. In this vast ocean, the s.h.i.+p was its own world. The more outstanding her performance is, the more at ease the sailors would feel.

Even though it had only been ten days since setting out, skepticism and doubt from the sailors had disappeared. No matter how weird this female leader may be, they will follow her as long as she can lead them to their destination. Of course, Zheng Xi was the first to accept this situation. His reasoning was that since he had been sold to this woman, the more reliable she is, the easier his life would be. Even if she were a monster, he would still be okay with her.

Compared to Ling Qingyu's carefree and comfortable att.i.tude, her neighbors were not so fortunate.

Yan San and Lu Yao were vomiting into a wooden bucket.

Ling Qingyu had intended to walk over, but then decided against it. She went to stand next to Ye s.h.i.+yi and patted him while asking, "s.h.i.+yi, are you used to it now?"

After Ling Qingyu's training, and due to his young age, Ye s.h.i.+yi only vomited for three days before getting used to the ups and downs of the sea. Yan San and Lu Yao were different. They had been vomiting so much that their faces turned green. Their limbs were even weaker than the people in the lower level.

In the sailor's cabin below, many people were leaning on the walls or lying down. Gu Sui leaned against the deck and looked thoughtfully at the men across from him. It had been around ten days since they stepped on the s.h.i.+p. That woman named Ling was a kind person. After leaving the waters of Quanzhou, she cut off all the prisoners' shackles with a sharp blade. Afterwards, she raised her sails and let them rest in the cabin. Everyone had their own beds with a locker. The amount of food they received was enough. Only, the taste wasn't too good. But, after arriving in the vast ocean and experiencing its waves, many started experiencing seasickness. They threw up almost everything they ate. The group of prisoners wasn't much better. Some of them also had wounds on their bodies and suffered even more. The curious one was the man opposite of Gu Sui. He had the most injuries when they stepped on the s.h.i.+p. He looked young. Most of the time, he kept his head lowered and sat at an un.o.btrusive place. He also rarely spoke. Even when he felt sick, he didn't hug a bucket and violent throw up, but quietly repressed it. There were a few times when Gu Sui noticed him swallow it back and admired his self-control.

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