Chapter Fifteen: Blessing After (1)

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Chapter Fifteen: Blessing After (1)

"Don't come over!" shouted Ling Qingyu as she stood up when she saw three people ready to run over.

After resting a moment, Ling Qingyu felt that there was something warm in her body. A warm flow of blood traveled through her body. Where it pa.s.sed, she felt more energized and relaxed. Could it be that bead? Is this a so-called lucky encounter? A heavenly gift?

Ling Qingyu decided to experiment with what she thought. Hugging the little cloud leopard, she jumped off the python's body and walked toward the three people. Sure enough, wherever she walked, the snakes would retreat till three meters away. The snakes also lowered their head as if paying respects to the snake king.

As expected, the bead-like object was probably the inner core of the python. Looks like the snakes on this mountain won't hurt her. Ling Qingyu smiled proudly. Women are usually scared of snakes. But, she has this protection now. Of course she would be happy.

When she walked up to the three people, she saw their faces were green. Seeing that she was fine, they finally couldn't stand any more and fell lightly on the ground.

"Boss!" s.h.i.+ Fang called to Ling Qingyu from a tree. "You should feed them the blood of the python." Then, he untied the wine gourd that he didn't lose despite his misfortunes and threw it down. "Fill it up and bring it up. We were all bitten by snakes. That snake king's blood will neutralize our poison."

Remembering that the three of them had been poisoned, but still ran down to save her, Ling Qingyu felt moved.

She picked up the wine gourd and ran to the body of the python. She felt that her body was as light as a feather. She could also run much faster than before. And, her body flowed with a hint of qi, making her feel pleasant.

Ling Qingyu didn't have time to think about the changes in her body. She climbed to the snake's heart and filled the gourd with blood. Then, she ran back and poured the blood into the three people's mouths. She ran back and forth another two times until their faces returned to their natural colors. She filled the gourd again, but the python's blood had began to coagulate. She was afraid that if she climbed onto the trees on the cliff and climb back down, she wouldn't be able to collect anymore. But if even Lu Yao, Yang Zhao and Gu Sui couldn't endure this poison, then it would be worse for those without training.

"Throw Yan San's sword down!" called Ling Qingyu looking up.

s.h.i.+ Fang saw the situation below. Fortunately, he was on the same tree as Yan San. He used his last strength to crawl next to Yan San's body. He pulled Yan San's fingers off and threw the treasured sword down.

Ling Qingyu pulled out the sword and climbed onto the python's body. Seeing that the blood around its heart had started turning black, she cut off the top layer. As she prepared to cut out more of its flesh, she noticed that there were two small beads. Her heart moved. She cut off that piece of flesh, then a bigger piece and held it in her hand.

Ling Qingyu jumped down from the corpse and looked at the eyes of people on the tree above. Then, she violently swung her sword and cut off the tail of the python. Returning the sword to its sheath, she put the piece of meat with the beads into a pouch. While holding the severed tail and the bigger piece of meat, she climbed up the cliff.

Ling Qingyu felt that her body had changed and climbing this cliff should not a problem. But when she started climbing, even though she felt qi circulating and could walking faster and more lightly, she still had difficulty carrying things and climbing at the same time.

Taking the tail from one hand and the chunk of meat with the other, the ash faced Lu Yao kicked up and his body flew onto a tree on the cliff.

Wow! This is real martial arts! I knew this Lu Yao isn't simple! His martial arts is not only good, but amazing. To have hidden for so long! This sly guy!

"Boss, can I borrow the gourd?" Gu Sui had climbed up from the ground and smiled toward Ling Qingyu. He took Yan San's sword from under her arm and jumped onto the python's corpse with Yang Zhao. Fiercely cutting near the heart for a few moments, they each held a b.l.o.o.d.y piece of meat and climbed onto trees on the cliff to help their own people.

Ling Qingyu glanced at the gathering of snakes three meters away and felt that they looked quite pitiful.

"Wu, wu." The little cloud leopard in her arms moved, then crawled toward the big cloud leopard.

"You want to go see your mother?" said Ling Qingyu softly. Seeing the cloud leopard sob as if he understood, she climbed back onto the python's body, next to the bigger cloud leopard.

The little cloud leopard moved down Ling Qingyu's arms and climbed on his mother's head. He started licking his mother's two sharp teeth.

Just then did Ling Qingyu notice that these leopard teeth were longer than usual and glowed with blue light. Considering how thick the python's skin was, if she had only used Yan San's sword, then it would have taken more than her strength to cut into it. Yet, this cloud leopard could easily bite a piece off. These teeth must be extremely sharp.

After the little cloud leopard finished lickings his mother's teeth, she turned around and licked Ling Qingyu's hands.

"You want me to take your mother's teeth?" said Ling Qingyu uncertainly. She placed her hand near the teeth and saw that the little cloud leopard didn't object. With a probing touch, the two teeth actually fell off into the corpse of the python.

Ling Qingyu was shocked. She saw that the little cloud leopard's eyes had hints of contempt and laughed as she pulled out the two teeth.

"Boss, come up quickly. When the python's blood dries, those other snakes won't be so docile anymore!" Fang s.h.i.+ drank some blood and finally regained his strength. Seeing Ling Qingyu still hanging around at the bottom, he called to her.

Seeing the surrounding snakes move with desperation, Ling Qingyu quickly tore off a corner of her clothes and wrapped the pair of teeth. Holding the little cloud leopard, she climbed up the cliff.

After everyone drank some blood, their poison had been neutralized and their bodies filled with energy. Then, they started climbing up.

Zheng Xi took the gourd and pried Yan San's lips open to pour the blood into him. Before he could wake, Lu Yao threw him on a shoulder and went up with cliff while holding Ye s.h.i.+yi.

Ling Qingyu watched as each of them climb up with ease and thought to herself, they don't have the hint of act like gentlemen. Little did she know that she appeared in these sailors' minds as being wise and powerful, brave and invincible. Also, they were all afraid of the snakes after being chased and bitten, so the moment they could move, they naturally wanted to be as far away as possible.

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