Chapter Twelve: Chrysanthemum explosion? Shrimp situation (Dusk) (2)

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Chapter Twelve: Chrysanthemum explosion? Shrimp situation (Dusk) (2)

Ling Qingyu reconsidered again and again; but didn't have the heart to ignore him. She walked over and saw him panting. His hand was holding a wooden rod. Her heart moved. "You were thinking of saving me?"

This person had never rebelled, letting them humiliate at will. But when the three people pounced on her, he grabbed a nearby rod, ready to intervene. Remembering his days at the army that Chen Erhu had mentioned, he glanced at his own body. Although the body was thin, it was lean and powerful, and had obviously been well crafted.

The man's skin blushed with a layer of red under Ling Qingyu's glance. He used great effort to retrieve the clothes that had been thrown to the side. Struggling to stand up, he lifted his head that was covered in messy hair, revealing a silver light from his neck.

Ling Qingyu used to help him with his wounds and had seen his body many times before. Yet, she never paid attention to other places. At this moment, she saw the silver light. As she held him steady, she leaned over to look more closely. But, he pushed away her hand and whispered, "Miss, men and women should not be too close."

Should not be too close! Ling Qingyu laughed in ridicule, "I just saw everything. What is there to be shy about. Don't move, let me see."

The man listened to her words and his body stiffened. Ling Qingyu used the chance to move apart his hair. Looking closely, she saw many silver colored spots from the back of his head to his spine.

Ling Qingyu wanted to pull at the spots when a deep, angry voice sounded from behind, "If you pull them out, you will be taking his life."

Ling Qingyu turned her head and saw Lu Yao standing at the pathway entrance with a darkened face.

Lu Yao draped his clothes over the man and helped him into Ling Qingyu's room. No matter what, she was still a little girl. To be with a naked man at night, and in a remote corner of the boat, was questionable. She chose not to explain.

"I will leave this to you. I can go squeeze with s.h.i.+yi." Ling Qingyu laughed, turned to leave and closed the room door.
Lu Yao brushed past the man. With a frown, he said, "Soul Chasing Eighteen Needles. Looks like your days are numbered. To think you can still endure. I can remove the needles, but if I make a mistake, you will die. Do you want to remove them?"

"Thank you," whispered the man as he gripped the blanket tightly.

He is brave, praised Lu Yao in his heart. The Soul Chasing Eighteen Needles are inserted to block one's vessels. No matter how skilled, the person will become useless. When the person stayed still, the needles would be hidden and not have much effect. But, the moment any strength was exerted, the person would experience unbearable pain. If inner strength is utilized, there would be pain comparable to tendons being pulled out and bones being cut. If inner strength is used to a certain extent, all the vessels would break. Considering the needles were visible, Lu Yao could see that the main had used inner strength. Good thing Yan San acted fast. Otherwise, even if he managed to kill those three, he would still lose his life.

Closing his eyes, Lu Yao circulated his qi. Then, his eyes fiercely opened. With flying hands, he forced out the needle in the back of the man's head. Within a few short seconds, Lu Yao was covered in sweat. The man was also s.h.i.+vering, with sweat falling like rain.

"Fortunately, the needles were not inserted personally by Soul Chaser. Otherwise, I would not be able to help." Lu Yao wiped his sweat.

"Thank you!" said the man after his teeth stopped clattering. Then, he fainted.

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