Chapter Fourteen: Snake Gall (2)

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Chapter Fourteen: Snake Gall (2)

The escape cabin only had a small amount of water and food. Even with careful distribution, they were quickly consumed. In the darkness, they couldn't tell day from night nor had any concept of time. Ling Qingyu fainted many times. When she felt that she couldn't hold on anymore, she realized that the s.h.i.+p stopped rocking.

Next to Ling Qingyu, a hand grabbed her, preventing her from rising up.

In the darkness, she could hear Gu Sui laughing, "This time, it is a matter for us men. Head, please stay back."

The cabin door was pushed open. Hints of sunlight shone inside. Yang Zhao released Ling Qingyu's hand and jumped out of the cabin. Gu Sui closely followed. Then, it was Lu Yao, Yan San, Zheng Xi. One by one, they climbed out from the hatch.

"Let's go too." Not hearing any warnings, Ling Qingyu motioned toward the four merchants huddling in the corner.

Then, she lifted Ye s.h.i.+yi and crawled out as well.

Leaving the escape compartment, she could see sunlight penetrating through holes in the bulkhead. Her vision was somewhat fuzzy, but she could see a mess in the pa.s.sageway leading out. Many cases of goods were smashed and scattered across the floor. Good thing the Aeolus was tilted. The pa.s.sageway was slanted up. The outside cabin door was already open and light filled the opening as if it were a stairway to heaven.

She shook her head to clear these thoughts. Ling Qingyu carefully navigated around the scattered porcelain and walked with Ye s.h.i.+yi toward the light.

"Wah~oh~Ah hahaha!"

Before she got to the opening, she heard frenzied cheering outside.

Ling Qingyu quicked her pace. She peaked her head into the light and Zheng Xi greeted her, "Miss, it's land!"

Stepping on deck, Ling Qingyu felt a flash in front of her eyes. Then, vivid colors poured in. What a beautiful view!

The Aeolus was tilted on its side, lying in a shallow bay. Below it, the water was so clear that it didn't seem like real seawater. There were orange-colored corals underwater with colorful fish swimming around them. The fine waves covered a silver-white beach. The beach was filled with coconut palm trees. In the distance, there was a dense green jungle that rose into the mountains.

The men who went up first had already jumped into the water and ran joyfully onto the beach. They had completely lost their starved look.

"Being young is good!" Ling Qingyu exclaimed. She rubbed her much thinner stomach. Right after, she noticed the few people next to her, looking at her with strange faces, and she coughed to cover up her words.

"Great lady, can this servant help you down?" Gu Sui had a teasing smile as he reached out and lifted Ling Qingyu. He weighed her and laughed. "Even though Miss was starved for so many days, it seems you didn't lose any weight."

Even if Ling Qingyu's face was thicker than the city wall, her face still turned red. She said angrily, "This is called being solid. Don't you know? Let me down!"

"Hahaha," laughed Gu Sui and helped Ling Qingyu jumped into the water. The underwater coral spurs were sharp. Suddenly, strands of floor flowed out from the bottom of her feet.

The water was shallow, but it still reached Gu Sui's chest. Ling Qingyu was in his arms and half of her body was submerged in the water.

Ling Qingyu quited down. Starving for so many days, she didn't have much energy left. It would be extremely difficult to swim onto the beach. With sincerity, she said, "Thank you."

"Haha. Without family head, we would probably be fish food now." Gu Sui laughed.

"Of course. This was only possible with this head's quick judgment and immediate action. So, in the future, you guys can't have any second thoughts!" Ling Qingyu immediately followed and boasted without hesitation and without shame.

Seeing Gu Sui's laughing face, Ling Qingyu added another sentence. "At least until we return to the Zhou Empire."

"Yes, yes. Gu Sui's loyal to head is as clear as the sun and moon. How can I have second thoughts." Gu Sui laughed again, then quickly walked toward the beach.

Sailors who had reached land first were already climbing on coconut trees. After a short time, coconuts started falling one by one. Under Zheng Xi's guidance, Yan San's famous treasured sword broke the sh.e.l.l of coconuts, one by one.

Gu Sui got to land and put Ling Qingyu down under a tree before sitting tiredly on the ground. Zheng Xi delivered the broken coconuts.

After eating its flesh and drinking its juice, the people exhausted to their limits quickly fell asleep. Ling Qingyu was the first.

Afterwards, she was woken by the wave. Light seawater with a salty smell touched her face. Ling Qingyu coughed and awoke.

Seeing her body halfway covered in seawater, she immediately jumped up. Turning around, the beach didn't have a single person. After pausing for a second and patting her head, she whispered. Could it be that I transmigrated again?

"Ah!" A scream came from afar.

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