Chapter Fifteen: Blessing After (2)

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Chapter Fifteen: Blessing After (2)

While Ling Qingyu was still feeling resentful, she felt someone grab her hand. Rising like a cloud, Yang Zhao brought her up the cliff.

"The blood of the snake king is really a great medicine," said Gu Sui with a laugh as he climbed up the cliff next to them.

Yang Zhao shook his hands. His inner strength was sealed by the Soul Chasing Eighteen Needles for many days. Although the needles were removed, his strength had only recovered by a tenth or so. But, when the snake blood entered him, it washed his marrows and opened his vessels. It actually helped him recover seventy percent of his strength.

Ling Qingyu didn't know the truth and felt that she had been lied to again. At the time, she didn't know what this thousand year snake king's blood was a miraculous medicine and also didn't know that the snake bead she consumed was an amazing treasure.

"Pity, pity." After arriving on the cliff, s.h.i.+ Fang stomped subconsciously. "We didn't even remove the snake gall."

"You're talking about this?" Gu Sui swung around a humongous snake gall. Then under many envious looks, he put it into his pouch.

"Let's go. Otherwise, we will be in trouble if the snakes come over," said Lu Yao. He lead the way while holding Yan San. Yang Zhao followed with Yan San's sword. Naturally, Gu Sui followed at the back.

"Sister, are you okay?" Ye s.h.i.+yi asked worriedly as he quietly squeezed over to Ling Qingyu's side and pulled on her s.h.i.+rt.

Ling Qingyu was so touched that she was about to cry. She hugged Ye s.h.i.+yi with a sweep of her arms and said, "My s.h.i.+yi is the best!" After thinking a moment, her face stiffen as she said, "Why are you the same as those bad people. To leave sister alone at the beach."

"I called you! But you wouldn't wake up." Seeing that Ling Qingyu was completely fine, Ye s.h.i.+yi's face showed a bit of pride as he said, "You were sleeping like a dead pig. Brother Lu poured water on you and you still continued sleeping. We could only leave by ourselves first to look for fresh water and food."

They actually poured water on me! Remembering how she almost got swept away by the tide, Ling Qingyu said angrily, "See, when I'm not there, you guys ran into trouble. In the future, you must remember. Never leave sister! Remember!"

Ye s.h.i.+yi's little hand gripped Ling Qingyu's hand. He nodded, "I will learn more martial arts so sister won't be in danger again. I will protect sister!"

For a seven year old child to express his feelings so carefully, Ling Qingyu was very moved. She bent over and kissed his cheek. Seeing that the people in front were out of view because of the dense forest, she took out the piece of meat she pocketed before and dug out the little bead. She put it in Ye s.h.i.+yi's mouth and had him swallow it.

Ye s.h.i.+yi didn't expect her to be so forward and choked. He coughed a couple times as he looked teary eyed at Ling Qingyu.

Seeing his well-featured and exquisite little face full of grievances, she felt he was even cuter. She purposely darkened her face and said, "What I just gave you is poison."

Ye s.h.i.+yi widened his eyes. "Sister, you saved me so many times. Even if you give me poison, I don't blame you." Seeing Ling Qingyu's casual face, he secretly laughed. Pulling on her hand, he said even more softly, "Sister, if I'm good in the future, you'll give me the antidote right?"

Facing his innocent and beautiful face, she couldn't bear to act like a bad aunt. "Don't tell the others. It is not poison but a snake gall from the python. You are a martial artist, so it will benefit you."

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