Chapter Nine: Sailors (2)

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Chapter Nine: Sailors (2)

Ling Qingyu rubbed her chin. This man and the few close by were all big and buff. They must be pretty strong. The only thing is that the color on their faces didn't look too good. She guessed it must be due to malnutrition. Even though their clothes barely covered their bodies, they still carried an air of strength. These people were not commoners. She planned to sail the next day. If these people start some trouble, she had no way of controlling them. But in the current situation, these people will make the best sailors. They have strength and also look trained.

"Okay. Big brother, if you agree, I will employ you to be a group leader. Other than the labor fees, when the s.h.i.+p gets back, you will also get a share of profits." Ling Qingyu took out three bills of a hundred silvers from her pouch and gave them to Gu Yu. "Other than the pre-payments, this one hundred silvers bill is my loan to you. You can use it buy some products to sell in foreign lands."

Gu YU was shocked. He received the silver bills and smiled, "Head Ling isn't afraid of me taking the money and running?"

"You are not that type of person." Ling Qingyu looked at him directly then shrugged. "If you run away, then it is my fault for misjudging you. I'll just have to accept it."

"Hahaha," laughed Gu Yu. "This little girl is quite good. Okay. I, Gu Yu, will sign this contract with you."

Zheng Xi had a pre-written contract book. But after hearing Gu Yu's price, he subconsciously looked at Ling Qingyu full of complaint. However, other than Gu Yu's group, no one approached them. These people were definitely big. One of them can fit two normal people. He could only reluctantly give them the stated payment on the contract. After Gu Yu's people pressed their fingerprints, these people officially became their employees.

"Head Ling," said Gu Yu as he wiped the finger paint off his hands and returned one of the the hundred silver bills to Ling Qingyu. "Gu Yu is a rough person. I don't know which goods can earn me money. Why don't Head Ling help me take care of this."

Ling Qingyu was speechless. A hundred silvers of goods traded in foreign lands would give a return of two thousand silvers. This was a heavenly gift to a sailor. Even more, this silver was given by her. She couldn't imagine that she would even have to buy the goods herself too. Isn't this taking too much advantage? But, sweeping her gaze across the people behind him, Ling Qingyu suddenly understood. This world is full of those who would look down on people. With their status, dressed in rags, even if they were to bring money to people, there would still be doubt about the legitimacy of the money.

"Okay." Ling Qingyu received the bill and said, "Why don't I tell Zheng Xi to exchange your hundred silver bills for smaller bills or real silver?"

"Then I'll have to trouble Head Ling." Gu Yu formally showed his respects.

Ling Qingyu saw that he had a good posture and smiled lightly before leaving with Zheng Xi.

"Brother Gu," said a young girl hurrying over. She saw the contact in Gu Yu's hands and urgently said, "Brother Gu, quickly return that. How can you go sailing? Going out to sea is a trip where nine out of ten won't return. You can't do something so dangerous. If something were to happen to you, then what will my mother and I do?"

"Miss Mei," Gu Yu stopped her. With a hand, she also blocked this girl from throwing her body on him. He faintly said, "The prepayment we received will be enough to pay off the courtyard and satisfy the your expenses. Brother Mei should be able to find his way to you soon. Then, your family will be reunited again."

After these words, he turned and left.

Mei Hong wanted to catch up and say more but was blocked by Zhang Dahu.

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