Chapter Seventeen: Heading Toward the Mountain Peak (2)

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Chapter Seventeen: Heading Toward the Mountain Peak (2)

When she was drinking water, she accidentally fell into a lake and was carried into a cave by the waterfall above. The water in the cave only reached her calf. The waterfall covered the opening of the cave like a curtain and blocked most of the sunlight, making the inside dark, but not scary.

That is because the cave was covered with a layer of light.
On its walls, there were ores full of rubies, sapphires and diamonds. Light also shone from the water as light refracted from gemstones polished by moving water.

In front of Ling Qingyu's eyes was a ruby bigger than the head of a child. It was crystal clear with the color of blood, making Ling Qingyu feel dizzy.

Ling Qingyu's basket was already half full. And this was after she had pushed everything together to compress them.

Ling Qingyu thought a moment, then found an area without water in the cave. She took out some things from her basket, then dug out the ruby and put it inside.

There were also more beautiful gems in the cave, but Ling Qingyu didn't want to touch them. It must have taken millions of years for them to form. Ling Qingyu's instinct told her that they were this island's essence. If they were moved, there may be consequences.

Ling Qingyu continued to feel and pick out the medium grade gems from the water. Like this, the platform next to her filled with a pile after a short while. There were not only rubies and sapphires, but also cat eyes and diamonds.

Ling Qingyu looked at the file of gems in front of her and felt worried. How can I move all of these down the mountain. Also, even though she and the others had survived many dangers, they would still be greedy in front of such a large pile of treasures. She didn't want to lose their hearts because of these things. Clenching her teeth, she only put in less than half of what she gathered into her basket and covered them with medicines and spices.

The basket was heavy on her shoulders, but her mood was extremely good. The goods on her back were worth more than thousands of gold, enough to buy a few cities. Thinking of herself carrying a few cities, there was nothing to feel bitter about.

Leaving the cave, Ling Qingyu crossed the lake under the pressure of the waterfall. On the trees at the side of the lake, she casually picked a few purple fruits to eat. According to her experiences in the last few days, this type of purple fruit may be small, but were quite tasty. They were just hard to find. There were only a few near the waterfall. Not only was this fruit delicious, it also filled her body with energy and lifted her mood. She couldn't help but want to sing. Of course, the first time she ate it, she had started singing. But, Xiao Bai protested and countless birds were disturbed on the nearby trees, so Ling Qingyu stopped herself to be kind to others.

Carrying a few cities, Ling Qingyu's steps became faster. The road up the mountain were not as hard as when she started.

The higher she went, there more taller trees there were. Some of them were probably a hundred meters high. There were also many vines and colorful flowers, and many fruits she had never seen before.

The road on the ground became harder to walk on as the bushes became so thick that not even an needle could penetrate. The layer of leaves was so thick, that an entire person may sink in if not careful.

Ling Qingyu touched the sweat on her forehand and remembered the movement skills of Lu Yao and Yan San. Maybe when I go down, I should learn a bit from them?

"Wu, wu, wu, wu." Xiao Bai's dissatisfied voice came from above her. Ling Qingyu looked up and saw Xiao Bai swinging on a vine, then onto a tree.

You want me to be like you? I'm not Tarzan! Ling Qingyu's face darkened. These last few days, she finally experienced Xiao Bai's abilities. Even though it had only been a few days since he was born, his ability to chase and kill prey was an instinct. Of course, it also had to do with his prey shivering the moment they heard his call. In these few days, his weight had increased tremendously. The little kitten had become the size of a large dog. Remembering the size of his mother being more than five meters long, Ling Qingyu felt worried about her chest.

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