Chapter Thirteen: Difficult to Die (1)

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Chapter Thirteen: Difficult to Die (1)

Clear skies with a slight breeze.

The deck was full of people. In the early morning, Ling Qingyu told Zheng Xi to gather everyone on board, including the merchants who had not left their cabin in the last ten days.

Ling Qingyu stood on the observation terrace of the tower. After seeing Zheng Xi signal that everyone was here, she cleared her throat and said, "Everyone. Our Aeolus has been at sea for eleven days. Since many people were seasick in the previous days, I did not have the chance to tell everyone about the s.h.i.+p's rules. Last night, Chen Erhu, Chen Sanhu and Chen Sihu wanted to seize this s.h.i.+p and have been thrown overboard by me."

Hearing this, there was suddenly chattering below. Some had good relations.h.i.+ps with Chen Erhu and knew what they were doing last night. They immediately yelled, "What do you mean they wanted to seize the s.h.i.+p? How can the three of them accomplish that? You must have used some trick. Release the three of them!"

The people below started pus.h.i.+ng and yelling.

Zheng Xi and Ding Dong were with a few sailors, ready to intervene. Gu Sui and his underlings maybe intentionally, or maybe unintentionally, blocked off those troublemaker's path.

"That's right. Even if they didn't plan to seize the s.h.i.+p, if I want to throw them into the ocean, I can still throw them into the ocean." Ling Qingyu's cold words shocked everyone silent. She continued, "On this s.h.i.+p, I am the law! Since you have been sold to me, you are my property. I can deal with you however I want to. So what? If I someone is not pleasing to my eye, I will throw him into the ocean. If you guys have opinions, they don't matter. Just don't take my s.h.i.+p. This ocean is vast and doesn't care about a few more ghosts. Who

wants to get off? I will fulfill your desire!"

The noise below immediately calmed. Zheng Xi and Ding Dong still watched the prisoners who were making trouble. Gui Sui looked at Ling Qingyu with some anger as he clenched his teeth. What do you mean you own us!

"Where is our big brother? You also threw him in the ocean!?" Asked two young prisoners loudly as they pushed past the people in front. There were a few people who followed them. They didn't look like the same prisoners who made trouble before. But, they still showed signs of anger.

"I am here." A deep voice like a hacksaw sounded. Ling Qingyu moved to the side and let the man behind her be seen. She only learned in the morning that his name is Yang Zhao.

Seeing those few prisoners below were relieve, Ling Qingyu changed her fierce tone and said, "Everyone. You are all employed by me, sold to me, or partnering with me. Since I, Ling Qingyu, am in charge of this s.h.i.+p, I have the responsibility to ensure everyone's safety. I will not tolerate any thoughts or actions that are against others. However," Ling Qingyu glanced the people below and slowly said, "We are here for treasures. I, Ling Qingyu, will guarantee now, that if people do not have wrong thoughts and are willing to work together, I will ensure everyone will be filled with fortune. When we return, I will give freedom to those sold to me. There will also be a bonus worth twenty percent of the s.h.i.+p's profit that will be given to those with the greatest contributions. On the voyage back, leaders can bring four stones worth of commodities. Sailors can bring two stones worth."

This time, even Gu Sui's brothers began to whisper. Zhang Dahu moved closer to Gu Sui and asked in a low voice, "Boss, can we believe this girl's

girl's words? Two stone's worth of commodities. Wouldn't that be worth a couple hundred silvers when we get back?"

Gu Sui smiled faintly, "That is only if you have the life to go back." This little girl is pretty good. She knows to reward and punish. Looks like this voyage is worth going on.

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