Chapter Twelve: Chrysanthemum explosion? Shrimp situation (Dusk) (1)

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Chapter Twelve: Chrysanthemum explosion? Shrimp situation (Dusk) (1)

[Interpreted translation: Stemming the rose? What the f is happening? (Dusk)]

"This kid looks really good. I almost can't resist anymore."

"Big brother, hurry up. Let this younger brother have a go too."

Scattered voices came from the corner of the back cabin. Ling Qingyu paused as she looked at the sky full of stars after coming out of the restroom. She glanced toward the path to the cargo compartment. There was a corner that was hard to monitor. Very few people went there.

Could there be people doing something there? Ling Qingyu thought a moment. She was ready to ignore it. This s.h.i.+p was full of men, who knows what could happen?

"Yang Zhao, I have been thinking of you for a long time. You probably don't know, but I have wanted to do you since the first day you joined the army."

"You probably couldn't have imagined falling into our hands when you were punis.h.i.+ng our brothers right?"

Ling Qingyu was somewhat annoyed. It was a peaceful night and her ears were good. After thinking another moment, she quietly climbed upstairs and opened Yan San's door.

Even though Yan San was extremely seasick, he still had great awareness. The moment Ling Qingyu touched the sword hilt next to him, he sat up, held Ling Qingyu down and whispered, "What do you want to do with my sword?!"

"Quiet," hissed Ling Qingyu. "It's good that you're awake. Come with me. When I tell you to act later, just do it. Do you understand?"

"I'm going to act just because you tell me to?"

"After getting to Borneo, I'll take you to see monkeys," responded Ling Qingyu.

"You said that you would show me monkeys the last time you grabbed my sword." Yan San was not satisfied.

"Then, we can go see birds. Birds that can't fly. Birds with big beaks," said Ling Qingyu in one breath. She really didn't expect that the number one in the world would be an animal lover. The reason he went sailing with them was not to kill Lu Yao and the others, but to explore. He felt he had reached the pinnacle of martial arts and didn't have any pursuits left in life. While in the Quan Province, he heard that there were all sorts of strange animals and plants in foreign lands. If someone saw them, then he would have lived a satisfactory life. So, he found this s.h.i.+p. Ling Qingyu suspected that he was probably tricked.

Yan San counted his fingers. Not bad. Three different kinds of animals. Then he said, "What are you waiting for? Let's go quickly."

Ling Qingyu and Yan San cautiously went to the corner. Ling Qingyu was very careful, while Yan San moved in silence.

Ling Qingyu peaked her head out and held her breath.

The night was clear; no clouds for a thousand kilometers. The sky was filled with starlight. There was also moonlight spilling over the side of the s.h.i.+p, as if covering it in a layer of yarn.

There was a naked man with both hands on the bulkhead. His head was lowered. His body was slim, with beautiful muscles. Although there were many scars, his skin s.h.i.+ned with a layer of moonlight that expressed a special kind of beauty.

The other three people couldn't be looked at. One of them restrained that man's hands. Another was squatted behind the man and feeling his bottom. The third was at the side, trying to take off pants in a hurry. The three of them were all quite tall, with faces filled with debauchery.

The one who was restraining the man's hands pushed aside the one touching the man's bottom and aimed his thing, ready to drive straight in.

"Chen Erhu, do you mean what you said?" The man with his head down had a voice like a hacksaw.

"Of course. With you here, I wouldn't care about those two." After saying his, he moved violently.

"Nn," grunted the man. Then he repressed it. His body started to be covered in cold sweat.

"You brought me here to see the Spring Palace?" Yan San didn't understand. "I don't even like men. Next time, bring me to watch women."

Ling Qingyu suddenly refocused. She also realized... Ah, so shameful! She actually felt her heart move!

Ling Qingyu coughed, then walked out. She asked, "What are you guys doing in the middle of the night?"

Chen Erhu had just inserted a bit, and was in the middle of exerting effort, when he heard someone. With shock, his thing fell out. He turned in annoyance. What he saw, was the s.h.i.+p's female head leaning against the stern and looking at him with cold eyes.

I don't have clothes on! Why is a big girl like you looking at me?! Chen Erhu's thing was on the bigger side. He licked his lips and said, "So it is Head Ling. What's the matter? You want to try it?"

Ling Qingyu didn't expect him to be so daring. She thought for a moment, then understood. She is only a fifteen year old girl; while they are three l.u.s.tful men. They can completely suppress her.

"How dare you. You are on a s.h.i.+p. Aren't you afraid of me throwing you guys overboard?" Under that kind of obscene look, even if Ling Qingyu's heart were encased in steel and cement, she would still feel angry.

"Oh, Head Ling is embarra.s.sed. You must be here to look for us since you are still up so late. What? Little girl is in heat in the middle of the night?" The three men laughed. This s.h.i.+p may be said to belong to this girl, but who would take her seriously. They had a group of more than ten people. Each possessed his own skills. They had been seasick the few days before and didn't have energy. After feeling somewhat recovered, they had intended to use Yang Zhao for some fun. Then, they planned to seize the s.h.i.+p. After seizing the s.h.i.+p, they would be able to travel anywhere they want. They heard that foreign lands were full of treasures. If they visit a few times, they would be rich.

"How old are you? You want a man already?" Yan San walked out next to Ling Qingyu and looked at her contemptuously. Then he pointed to the three men, "Even if you want a man, you're looking for men of this quality? I suggest you find a groom instead."

Chen Erhu didn't expect anyone else. He had only heard the footsteps of Ling Qingyu. Is it another sailor? Although I don't want to kill any skillful sailors, it is still better to act first.

Chen Erhu rushed forward with a low cry. The other two also reacted and rushed toward them.

"Throw them into the ocean!" The moment Yan San gazed at Ling Qingyu, she immediately responded and took a few steps back.

Chen Erhu and his brothers were counted among the better soldiers in the army. However, that is if they were being compared to regular people or the average expert.

Yan San kicked one off the s.h.i.+p, swept another one down with his scabbard, then punched Chen Erhu straight in the face before throwing him off too.

"Well," Yan San flexed the hand he used to punch Chen Erhu. "I'm going to sleep. Don't call me even if the sky is falling down. Do you hear me?!"

"What about this person?" Ling Qingyu pointed to the naked man leaning against the bulkhead.

"What does that have to do with me? I have no interest in men." Yan San yawned and left.

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