Chapter Ten: Set Sail (2)

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Chapter Ten: Set Sail (2)

Ten days later, in a small s.h.i.+pyard within the mountains; the Aeolus stood painted anew. As per Ling Qingyu's request, all of the sails had been stored away. A base remained with a flag showing three stripes and five stars. The front of the s.h.i.+p was covered with a statue showing a topless mermaid. Some blade marks on the deck were purposely left there. Originally, two small boats hanged on each side, but they were placed on the deck this time. The tower near the backside of the deck was painted completely black. Viewing from afar, the Aeolus would look even smaller than how it looked before.

Ling Qingyu nodded in satisfaction. She saw that Ding Dong was in position along with those responsible for managing the sails. In the lower level, Gu Yu and the prisoners had changed to an uniform Ling Qingyu designed. Their feet were on pedals and they were sitting in position.

Ding Budong sat on a chair, signed and asked Wu Da. "Will this work? Sailing with these people?"

Wu Da sighed as well. A mixed crowd of people. What kind of composition is this?

The two of them had spent a lot of effort dissuading Ling Qingyu. But, she had invested her entire fortune into it. Ding Dong also needed medicine for Ding Budong's leg. So, the two of them were dead-set on sailing out. Wu Da and Ding Budong could only watch Ling Qingyu and her crew load the s.h.i.+p with worry. Now, everything had been prepared. After government officials inspect the s.h.i.+p, they will be able to sail away. Normally, sea s.h.i.+ps must be inspects by Quan Province's port authority before leaving. But, Ling Qingyu asked Zheng Xi to pet.i.tion for an exemption; stating that the Aeolus was damaged before and would like the inspection done at the s.h.i.+pyard. This was a reasonable request, so it was approved by the newly appointed Quan Province Maritime Officer.

A mistake! Wu Da and Ding Budong were helpless.

Zhou Zhou and another government official walked up from the storage and gave Ling Qingyu a pa.s.s stamped with the Quan Province Department of Maritime Affairs' symbol. Zhou Zhou laughed, "Head Ling is quite capable. But, this time it was because Chairman Fan pitied your status as an independent female and gave you a break. There won't be any exemptions next time." It's possible that there may not be a next time, thought Zhou Zhou as he looked at the prisoners shackled to their positions. Their face showed that they were still hungry. It's amazing that a girl lead this s.h.i.+p. Zhou Zhou shook his head.

The Aeolus's flag rose into the air. After Zhou Zhou left, Ling Qingyu instructed Zheng Xi to retract the boarding plank and get ready to sail.

"Start moving!" shouted Gu Yu sitting in the position of group head. Twenty eight oars went into the water, ready to row.

"Wait! Wait!" Three people were running toward the port. One had a bookcase on his back. The other two had short coats and also carried huge cases on their backs.

"Please excuse the trouble, but can we travel on your trip? We will pay rent and the three of us can share a single small room," said the scholar loudly.

After these three, another young man with a large bag also ran up to them while panting, "I, I, I, also want to rent a room."

Zheng Xi widened his eyes. With a crew like this, there were actually people daring to travel on it? The road to Fujian didn't have many travelers. Ling Qingyu had originally wanted to rent out free s.p.a.ce. But, Zheng Xi couldn't find a single person willing to travel with them after looking for ten days. It was unbelievable that right before they set sail, there were suddenly four people not afraid of death!

"Let them on." Ling Qingyu smiled. It was rare for people to believe in her; she wanted to help them out.

Wu Da and Ding Budong were dumbstruck as they watched. They subconsciously shook their head. This era sure is hard. So many people were willing to risk their lives.

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