Earth (part 2)

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After a little while everyone began to settle down and begin to group off. I can see Murphy with a bunch of guys, however they were all following him like he is their leader. I see Monroe with a boy and a girl, and I see Bellamy and Octavia talking amongst themselves. Its just like before when they cut me out of there conversations. I didn't want to believe it then but I can for sure say now, that Bellamy has always preferred Octavia over me. I can tell by the way the interact, by the way he protects her, and by the way he looks at her. When he looks at me I can still see how he looks at me from the first 16 years of my life; broken.
"Hey, hey, hey, hands off him." I look up to see Murphy talking to Wells Jaha, after he pushed the kid with the goggles back. "He's with us." I move closer to their conversation, standing right beside goggles and his friend. "So is she." He winks to me. I just roll my eyes.
"Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are." Wells explains.
"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" Bellamy asks. Him and Octavia are standing a few feet from us. Octavia makes some hand adjustments asking if i'm alright. I only nod, giving her a smile.
"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message." Wells states while walking towards my siblings. "This has to be our first priority."
"Screw your father." Octavia states. "What you think your in charge here? You and you little princess?" Venom escapes her mouth while saying those words. Had my sister always been like this? Had this attitude? However I will never know because I couldn't hear her all my life. I smirk however.
"Do you think we care who's in charge? We need to get to Mount Weather. No because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this will be. How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a 20-mile trek, ok? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave, now."
"Well by all means Clarke, leave." I state. She turns to me and gives me a glare.
"Demetria's right. Let the privileged do the hard work for once!" A bunch of people chanted "yeah". I look to Octavia, she looks shocked. I move some of my hair away from my right ear and show her the hearing aid. She smiles, happy that I can hear.
"You're not listening. We all need to go." Wells explains.
Murphy comes up behind him and pushes him back. "Well look at this everybody-- the Chancellor of Earth."
"Think that's funny?" Murphy sure thought it was funny. He immediately kicked Wells in his angle. I hear a crack. Sometimes I regret ever getting this hearing aid.
"No but that was." Wells struggles to get up, "all right." Murphy puts his arms up, ready for a fight. He teases Wells a couple times. Suddenly the guy know as Spacewalker jumps down from the drop ship, making his appearance. Murphy and everyone look up to where he jumped from.
"Kid's got one leg. How about you wait until its a fair fight?" Murphy backs off.
"Hey space walker!" I see my sister approach him, "rescue me next." she says flirtatiously. I almost gag in my mouth. Man my sister needs attention. But I can see where her need for attention is coming from. We were locked up our whole lives, never knew nobody but our brother and mother. She was probably all alone in her cell as well, where as I had Wick and Doc. Griffin.
As murphy walks by me I latch onto his arm. His blue orbs look into my own. "If its any consolation, I wish he were dead too."
I shake my head, "no, Jaha." He smiles at me and then leaves with his followers. I walk up to my sister. "That was gross."
"No it wasn't. And since when did you start the hear things?"
"Since half way in the Skybox."
"We'll i'm happy for you!" she gives me a hug to which I hug back. Bellamy walks up to us and looks at Octavia with disappointment.
"What? He's cute."
"He's a criminal."
"They're all criminals." Bellamy grabs both of our hands and drags us a few feet.
"Look O, Demetria." that's right I don't get a nickname. "I came down here to protect the both of you."
"I don't need your protection." Octavia states ripping her hand from Bell's grasp. He releases mine after. "I have been locked up one way or another all my life, so has Demetria. I am done following orders. Demitria probably is too." I only nod, not wanting to get into a fight. However even I know we need rules or else everything will become chaotic. But I do not explain my opinions because I know Bellamy will listen to O.
"She's right."
"I need to have fun Bell. I just need to do something crazy just because I can. And no one, including you, is gonna stop me." Octavia looks at me, pleading for me to help.
"It would be nice to let off a little steam."
"I can't stay with them."
"What are you saying?" I ask.
"I did something, ok, to get on the drop ship, something they will kill me for when they come down. I can't say what it is just yet but you have to trust me." our brothers eyes plead for us to trust him. Even after what he did. "You do still trust me right?" we nod our heads.
Octavia leaves for one second. I stop Bellamy before he follows after her. "What?"
"What did you do?" I ask sternly.
"I can't say."
"Then I won't trust you." I am about to follow when he grabs my hand and pulls me into the drop ship. He signals with his hands, and I look at him in complete and utter shock. "What!?"
"I had to! To protect you and O." I look down. "Now do you trust me?"
"Sounds like a party. Make it five." I hear my sister say outside the drop ship. Bellamy hurrys to where she's at, where as I just walk out slowly.
"Hey what the hell are you doing?" Bell asks her.
"Going for a walk."
"Hey, were you trying to take this off?" Clake walks up to Space walker and sees that the wrist band is scratched. They argue about how he should could it on as it transmits our vitals to the Ark to tell how we are doing. I look to Bell and see that he is thinking. This can not be good. Octavia looks to Bellamy.
"Go on." He states. She kisses his cheek before heading off. She abruptly stops and turns around.
"You want to come Demetria?"
"Actually I'm going to stay. Be safe! I can't lose my best friend." she waves goodbye and heads off with the others. Hopefully they will protect her. Because if they won't I will start to throw some fists. I turn around and see that Bellamy was already gone. I pick up a rock from the ground and throw it far into the woods letting out my frustration.
"What's wrong?" I turn around and see Murphy leaning against a tree, a dagger in his hands.
"Nothing." I state.
"Didn't seem like nothing."
"Why do you care?"
"I don't. I was just asking." He walks past me and towards the drop ship. He squats down and begins to scratch words into it. "First son, first to dye."
"You spelt die wrong."
"What's it to you smarts?"
"Nothing." I see Wells approach, carrying some logs. "Find any water yet?" I ask.
"No, but I'm going back out-" He stops talking when he sees Murphy and his note. "I'm going back out if you want to come."
Murphy scratches his nose with his hand that's holding the dagger. "You know my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him." I feel bad for him. He obviously needs to talk about his feelings rather than acted out on them.
"You spelt die wrong, geniuses." Wells walks away.
"Wells wait." I begin to walk towards him when my brother stops me.
"You know if you're gonna kill someone, it's probably best not to announce it."
Murphy chuckles, "you're not really a member of the guard, are you?"
"No. he isn't." With that I walk away. As I leave I hear Bellamy tell Murphy that the Ark will not forgive them of their crimes. I hide behind a tree and turn up my hearing aid.
"Take them off." our wristbands. "The Ark will think you're dead and that it's not safe to follow. You follow?"
"Right, and if we do, i mean, what's in it for us?"
"Someone's gotta help me run things." I roll my eyes at my brother.
As Murphy walks past the tree I state that Bellamy is just using him for his own personal gain.
"We'll see about that." He states before he walks off to god knows where. He really is starting to tick me off. I find Wells amoung some people and walk up to him.
"When do we leave?"
"For what?"
"Water. I want to get out of this place right now. So please, lead the way." he does, and we go off into the woods.


Hours pass and its getting dark. There isn't much talking, rather no talking it all during our walk. "Why'd you come with me."
"Needed to be away from my brother."
"Why not go with someone else I mean you don't like me."
"Well that's not true. I don't like your father Wells. But I don't blame you for your father like everyone else. That be cruel." I laugh. He chuckles.
"Lets head back, it will be dark soon." so we head back to camp. When we get there it's pitch black, the only light is from the fires. Chanting can be heard from a mile away. When Wells and I approach the fire I can see a girl resting her arm on a rock while Murphy takes off her wristband. He holds it up and tosses it into the fire.
"That was your plan all along Bell." He looks at me.
"Where were you?" He questions, his face full of worry.
"Like you actually give a damn about me. You just care about keeping you alive and using people to get what you want." everyone is quiet.
"What the hell are you doing?" Wells asks my brother. Bellamy ignores me and explains how we can do "whatever the hell we want" down here on the ground. Everyone begins to chant it. I grow annoyed with what he was doing. Of course I don't want my brother to die. I love him. But I don't forgive him for what he did to me.
It begins to rain. I head into the dropship and climb up the ladder to the second level. I hear someone climb up the ladder. I face them but quickly turn around once I see who it is.
"Why you being a dick to your brother smarts?"
"Why are you up here?"
"You know," he walks closer to me, "when your brother noticed you were gone, he started to freak out and send a search party."
"You should really appreciate him more. I've never seen a person who loves someone as much as he loves you."
"Maybe you should look at him when he and Octavia are together."
"Pull yourself together. He loves you both. Your lucky to have someone in your life that does." with that he walks away and heads down the ladder. I sit and take in his information. I need to apologize to Bellamy.

Yay first episode done!

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