I am Become Death (part 2)

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First off I am sorry to keep you waiting so long but I hope you enjoy reading this chapter! Almost done the 1rst season:)

I enter the dropship and see Murphy sitting in a corner while Connor and Derek are standing watch. "Move." I state, trying to sound threatening.
"Sorry girlie but we don't take orders from you." Connor says which just pisses me off. I am about to punch him in the face when I hear a deep voice behind me.
"Where is he?" I turn and see Bellamy walk through the door, gun in hand, with Clarke behind him. "Everyone but Connor and Derek out...now!" Everyone begins to make their way out of the dropship but I just stay put. Bell glances around the room making sure everyone left, then his eyes fell on me. "You too Demetria." I just shake my head.
"He claims he was with the grounders." Derek states.
"We caught him trying to sneak back into camp." Connor adds.
I look at Murphy, "I wasn't sneaking. I was running from the grounders."
"Anyone see grounders?" Bell asks harshly. Everyone including me, shaking their heads. "Well in that case--" Bellamy raises his gun to shoot Murphy.
I quickly stand between the gun and Murphy. Finn Reaches out and pushes my brothers gun down. "Hey what the hell is wrong with you?" He questions.
"We were clear what would happen if he came back."
"Bellamy stop." I plead. Bell keeps his weapon high but looks into my eyes. "The day I escaped from the grounders, I saw Murphy being taken." I turn to the bloody boy. "Look at his wounds. Their identical to mine." I pull up my sleeve.
"If Demetria is telling the truth, which I believe she is, then he was with the grounders, then he knows things that can help us." Finn explains.
"Help us? We hanged him. We banished him, and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way."
"No." I look to the other blonde. "Finn and Demetria are right."
"Like hell, they are!" Bell shouts frustrated with all of us. Clarke walks over to Murphy and kneels down to inspect his wounds like I did earlier. "Clarke think about Charlotte." Ugh, here we go again. It was not his fault.
"I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte is as much our fault as his." Clarke looks over to me and gives a nod. I nod back in a way of thanks for finally seeing things my way. Clarke holds one of Murphys hands and examines it. "Demetria is not wrong. His fingernails were torn off. They tortured him."
"You and the grounders should compare notes." Finn humorously says to Bellamy.
"The grounders know we're at war. What did you tell them about us?" He yells at Murphy.
I stare at Murphy, dreading his answer. I know how difficult it was not to spill anything about Camp or our leaders whilst being tortured. I remember passing out from the pain or the loss of blood in my body because I would not waver. I wanted to give into the pain but I knew that if I did everyone I loved would die. I rub my scared arms up and down, nervous for the boys answer.
Everyone in the room has fear plastered on their faces. Clarke and Bellamy said that once Murphy gets better, he can tell us everything about the grounders camp. And if he refuses to leave, they'll kill him.

Little by little everyone begins to leave the dropship. Everyone except me. I sit a few feet away from him, fiddling with my fingers, trying to think of what to say. I look down at my hands and realize they are still bloody from when I first examined Murphy.
"What's wrong Smarts?" I direct my gaze at him, observing how he is staring at me like I should know how to make everything better.
"Nothing, I'm just thinking."
He sits up a bit more, "why are you thinking about me?"
"Because I am just curious as to why you got captured in the first place. Did the grounders know about the waterfall house or were you stupid enough to walk around the forrest becasue you felt you needed to work off the litttle food I left you."
He sits back and leans on the metal. "Neither." I tilt my head wanting a further explanation. "I was out there looking for you."
"I felt bad for getting into a fight and I went out looking for you."
"Why do you care so much about what happens to me?" I grab a rag, dab it in water and begin to wash his face. He takes hold of the rag and lowers it so he could look at me in the eyes.
"Because your the only one who takes my side, who doesn't treat me like a murderer."
Suddenly Murphy began to throw up blood and right on schedule Clarke walks in. Her eyes are dripping with blood. What is happening? I stand back, getting out of their way so she could take to him. "Murphy. Hey look at me. I need you to tell me exactly how you escaped from the Grounders."
"I don't know." He states, blood still dripping from his mouth. "I woke up and they forgot to lock my cage. There was no one there, so I took off."
"They let you go." I raise my hand to my mouth in shock. Just then Bellamy walks into the dropship. "Bellamy, stay back." Clarke orders.
"Did he do something to you?" Clarke shakes her head, which allows Bell to see her blood stained face. "What the hell is this?"
"Biological warfare. You were waiting for the Grounders to retaliate for the bridge?" Bell nods his head. "This is it."
"Murphy is their weapon." I state coming to realization with what Cyrus had told me. If Murphy survived they would use him as a weapon.
"Is this your revenge, helping the Grounders kill us?"
"No Demetria! What's with you defending him all the time? Just get out." I leave not wanting to cause any more problems. All I could hear from the dropship was Bellamy yelling at Murphy for answers. Finn passes by me going into the dropship. I tried to stop him but he just pushed me away. Everyone has been pushing me away lately. My brother, sister and now Finn. I just want to find Sterling.
As I am looking through the camp, I see more and more people getting sick. It makes me worried. What if Sterling is sick? "Demetria?" I hear Bellamy yell my name. I turn around and see him walking towards me at a fast pace.
"What do you want Bell? To yell at me some more."
"Wait... Clarke needs to examine you. Derek just died from whatever Murphy brought in with him. And I will not let you die too." Bellamy grabs my arm, dragging me with him towards the drop ship. I see Octavia is already inside.
"Octavia is showing no symptoms yet. But we'll keep her here just in case." Clarke explains while examining me.
"She'll get sick just from being here."
"Then she can stay on the third level with Demetria." Clarke backs away from me. "She too has no symptoms."  Bellamy leaves and Clarke asks Octavia to go find Lincoln and see if there is a cure.
"What do you want me to do leader?" I ask while placing my hands on my hips.
"Like I said, go up to the third level."
I look at Murphy one more time before I climb up the ladder and open the hatch. "We'll look who came to visit me, yet my darkest hour." I spot Sterling sitting in a corner.
"Oh there must be some mistake. I believe only dorks are allowed up here."
"Shut up and come over here." Sterling laughs. I make my way over to him and sit in his lap, leaning my head on his chest. "What's on your mind beautiful?" I swear my face went red while I smiled at his question.
"I don't want to talk about it, because I truly don't know."
"Well that's not true."
"You calling me a liar?" I playfully elbow him.
"No. I'm just stating that you know whats wrong but just don't want to say anything."
"You know I hate it when your right." I leaned back into him more, if that were even possible. I enjoyed spending time with him, he knows when to talk, and when not to. He understands me, like know one else. "You know I was bummed when Clarke sent me up here."
"Oh ya?"
"But then you saw me and everything changed, and you're happy to be up here."
"See thats where you are wrong." I sat up and turned around. "I was hoping to be alone and not with a dork such as yourself." I laugh.
He pushes me over onto the metal ground. We wrestle for a bit until he pins me under him, gripping my right wrist above my head. My other hand is by my side. His face is close to mine, I can feel his breath on my skin. His brown hair falls over his face, partly covering his honey eyes. However he still stares into my green ones. "Hey beautiful." He says barely above a whisper.
"Hey dork." I smirk. I take my free hand and push some of his hair out of his face. And place my hand on the back of his head.
"So what do you want to do now." He continues to look at me in the eyes, never wandering anywhere else. I pull his head closer to mine so that we are only one inch apart.
"I want you." He closes the gap between us and kisses me passionately. He continues to grip my right wrist but uses his other arm not to crush me. He slowly presses his body against mine, getting as close as he possibly could. I grip his hair on the back of his head slightly, teasing him. He bits my lip sending shivers throughout my body.
I flipped us over and pin him down. I take off my jacket and then kiss him again. He wits up so I am straddling his lap and takes off his coat, his lips never leaving my mine. I grip the end of his shirt and pull it over his head. I look at his body, staring at it, taking it all in. I look up and see him smirking. "Keep smirking like that and this is over."
He smirk disappears. "Demetria before we go any further, and believe me I want to, I just need to know something." I nod my head for him to continue. "Do you love Murphy?"
"I care for him, but no I don't love him. I want to be with a guy who I can trust, who I can talk to, who understands me. I want to be with you Sterling. And I'll prove it." I take off my shirt and bra, my hair cascades down my back. He looks at my body, even though it is cut and bruised. He then looks into my eyes.
"Demetria I want to be with you too." with that we continue to undress and express our feelings to one another. Never in my life have I done this and I am happy to do it with Sterling.

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