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I've spent five days in this hell hole being tortured from dusk till dawn. I haven't seen Cyrus since the first day I was brought here. I don't know what it was about the man but I knew I could somewhat trust him, or perhaps i'm just losing my mind from the lack of blood in my body. He said Octavia was safe. He could potentially just be telling me this to gain his trust so that maybe i'll tell them about camp. Perhaps Octavia is dead. I'll never know the truth however because I believe my life will end soon, in this cage.

It wasn't the torture that was making me go insane but the smell. On the Ark I would shower daily, for the last five days I have spent every minute bound to this table, breathing in my own filth. From my head all the way down to my toes, my body is covered in dried blood. Still I haven't spoken which makes me believe I have more time to try and find a way out of here. It also makes me think that my time on Earth is limited. What would be the point of keeping a person hostage if you can not benefit from them? Though the grounders have done stuff that will haunt me for the rest of my life, I will never betray my friends, my family.

Without my notice a person entered the cage. I look at the women. She had a tattoo on her face, as well as a few scars. She held a stance which made her look extremely powerful, as if she was the only person in the world who mattered. "Move her." She said in a harsh voice. Without warning a man in a skull mask enters the room, unstrap my wrists and legs and lifts me up. I attempt to get out of his grip but I am too weak to move. I glance around the long narrow hall that we are in. the only source of light is coming from the various torches being held up by guards.

Further down the hall I hear a person yelling for help. Something about the voice is recognizable. Soon Murphy comes into my view. Once his eyes connect with mine he fights harder, only to be punched down. I begin to scream for the man to let me go, to let Murphy go but it is no use. They drag his body to the cage where I was held in. I pray to god that Murphy stays strong, however it won't be easy. For a while I wanted to give up and release all the secrets about camp, about where we keep our weapons and who are leaders are. However I didn't want to fall into the darkness. There were moments in that cage where the pain was too much, and I passed out. There were times where I wanted to beg for them to stop. There was even a time where when I wanted death to come. I hope Murphy doesn't give in. I hope he will not die.

"Ai na hon daun honon, o would yu like gon gyon au gon  Heda's gaf in?" (I'll take the prisoner, or would you like to go against the commander's needs?" I turn my head and see another man in a skull mask. However its his crystal blue eyes that give away his identity. Cyrus. He must have said to hand me over to him, because not a moment later I was being held in his arms. "Don't worry you're going to be safe soon." I don't fully trust him but if he is going to get me out of this wicked place, so be it.

"Cyrus." He looks down at me, "you never answered my question." 

"What question is that?" He muffled through his mask.

"Why are you helping me?" I stare into his eyes. He is about to answer when someone stopped him. It was another man, he had all bruises on his face like he was beaten to a pulp. He had a strong build, african american, very handsome. They spoke in their language and soon we are following him into the woods. He leads us to an underground cave. "Stay strong my friend. Good luck." He ran back into the woods from whence we came, Cyrus carries me down through the cave until we reach a room. It was like a tiny home, the stone walls were drawn on with beautiful images of Earth, the shelves were filled with all types of glass vases probably contained with medicines. Everything around me is truly a sight to see.

Cyrus laid me down on the bed that was in one of the corners of the room. He goes over to one of the shelves and grabs a cloth and one of the vases. I pull my knees to my chest feeling more vulnerable than ever before, even when I was being tortured. He brings them over to me and sits on the bed. He places the cloth on the end of the vase and tips it. Only then I see that the vase is filled with water. He moves his hand closer to my face, I move away. He huffs in annoyance. "What?" I say nothing. "I'm not going to hurt you, otherwise you would not be alive right now. However I know you won't let me help you until I give you the reason why I am doing this." I nod. "I am helping you because when I was little I saw my father, mother, brother and sister die in battle. We were up against our greatest enemy, the mountain men. It was only then that I realized that war is not always the answer." I focus on his face while he tells his story, a tear escapes from his eye. He doesn't wipe it away, he owns up to it. "Sometimes blood must not have blood. And blood will be spilled if your people go to battle with ours."

"I'm sorry."

He wipes his tears away. "I don't need your pity. I just feel that if I do nothing that I won't be able to live with myself." I take his hand that holds the cloth and move it towards my face. I give him a little smile. He smirks and begins to rub the cloth along my skin, cleansing me from the dried blood.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Depends on what you're asking." He continues to clean.

"Okay well who helped us? And will Murphy be okay?"

He looks me in the eyes, dabs the cloth with the water and continues to clean. "His name is Lincoln, he is a good man. He helped save your sister. And as for Murphy," he takes a breath, "I don't think he will survive, if I am being honest."

"And what if he does?"

"Then he is most likely going to be used to our advantage for the war." the rest of the night was filled with silence.  I don't want to admit it but I am glad Cyrus took me, because maybe I could use him to help the rest of the 100.

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