Twilight's Last Gleaming (Part 2)

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"Can you hear me?" He spoke with hope in his voice. Those were the very first words I ever heard in all my life. I nod my head rapidly while smiling. "You... you can hear me?" I nod my head once again, a tear slides down my pale cheek.

"Yes I can hear you." I give him a big hug, happy that I can hear even if it is just with one of my ears. He didn't have enough parts to make another hearing aid, however I am just glad and overall thankful that I can hear. We pull away slowly from the hug. As our faces pass each others we stare into each other's eyes for what seems like forever. His blue eyes gaze into my green ones, I can see the happiness in them, as one of his inventions actually worked.

Suddenly he kisses me. I kiss him back. He pulls away fast. "Sorry just was caught up in the moment." He scratches the back of his neck nervously.

I walk up to him, "this will never work Kyle." I smirk and pull him closer to my body and kiss him. He kisses me back, our lips move as one.

My eyes open to complete darkness. Its like I was a prisoner again and had to wait until the sky box lights went on at a certain time in the day. I try to move to turn the bed lamp on but I am trapped under the blanket. I reach for my hearing aid that I placed on the nightstand last night and place it in my right ear.

My eyes finally adjust to what little light there is in this bunker. I lift up the blanket and see Murphy's arm laying across my body, keeping a firm yet soft hold of me. If I move he's just going to wake up, but if I stay I have to let his arm remain around my figure. I decide to lay my head back down on my pillow and rest my eyes. Murphys had enough to deal with and deserves a little more sleep.

I still can't believe Charlotte is dead. No one especially me could have predicted she was going to do anything rash, such as jumping off that cliff and killing herself. No one could have predicted that she was the one who killed Wells either. To us she was just an innocent kid who was too pure to commit a sin such as murder. Then again none of us is innocent.

I push Murphys hand off my waist which wakes him up. "No go back to sleep." I whisper, he obliges. He rolls over and squishes his face in his pillow. Its almost funny, I miss his touch. Throwing my legs over the side of the bed I touch the ground with my toes. Its cold. I place my toes on the cold floor, allowing them to get use to the temperature. Finally I get use to the feeling and head to the washroom.

When I enter I run the tap and allow my hands to fill up with the luke warm water and splash my face with it. The water is refreshing nonetheless. I feel as if I'm back in the skybox where I was treated way better than that with my own family. Thinking back to the skybox I think back to Kyle. The way he gave me the gift of being able to hear. It was the best gift I have ever received.

I hear a knock at the door. I turn the tap off and open the door just a crack. Murphy is standing on the other side of it. "Can we talk?" I nod my head and open the door and follow him back out to the bed where we sit. "I am so sorry for not listening to you. I was only thinking about revenge and I didn't think about the consequences."

"If I may, what were you going to do once you found her?"

He looks puzzled, his eyes are staring at everything but me. "In all honesty I don't know. I just wanted revenge. And I didn't care how I got it or who I hurt or betrayed in the process. I was extremely angry with Bellamy and Clarke and Charlotte that I took it out on you, and Charlotte paid the price." His face hangs low as he fiddles with his fingers. I took his hands in mine and held them. He looked up so that we were looking into each others eyes.

"You may not have heard this but, last night I forgave your ass. And anyway Charlotte committed murder, she deserved to be punished. She tried to let you die so that her skin was safe, well guess what, that was wrong. John you may not be a smart person in certain situations. However we all lose our shit. But you know what they say, yesterdays history, tomorrow's a mystery and today is a gift. Thats why its called the present. Yesterday you didn't die, so take your gift today and live. Do good by people and maybe, just maybe they'll give you a second chance, once they see you deserve one." There is a long silence after my little speech. He just stares at me. Not that it's making the situation awkward, just interesting. The way he looks at me is with guilt and appreciation. "Anyway..." I remove my hands from his grasp, "anyway, I need to head back to camp. Whether they like it or not, Clarke and Bellamy will be punished." I begin to walk towards the door.

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