Earth Skills (Part 2)

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We've been walking for over an hour. The sun was beating down on our backs, but we still remained in our jackets. "Hey hold up! What's the rush? You don't survive a spear through the heart." Bellamy asks.

"Put the gun away Bellamy." Wells orders.

Murphy pushes Wells back, "well, why don't you do something about it, huh?"

"Jasper screamed when they moved him. If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly." Clarke looks my brother up and down before saying that even though Jasper didn't die, it doesn't mean we have time to waste.

Bellamy grabs hold of the blondes wrist. "As soon as you take this wristband off, we can go."

"The only way the Ark is gonna think I'm dead is if I'm dead. Got it?"

"Brave princess."

"hey , why don't you find your own nickname." Finn walks out from behind one of the many trees in this radiated forest. "You call this a rescue party? Got to split up, cover more ground. Clarke you're with me, Wells and Bellamy because we don't want Murphy and Wells to pick a fight. That leaves Demetria and Murphy. Got it?" We nod. "Good. lets go."


We split off in our groups of two. Clarke and Finn disappear out of sight, and eventually so does Wells and Bellamy.

"Thank you by the way."

"For what?" Murphy questions. He climbs over a tree that had fallen over. I climb over as well however he catches me on the other side and safely places me on the ground.

"For telling me to apologize. You were right. I was being a real dick to Bellamy." Murphy laughs.

"Were all dicks at one point in our lives, maybe more than once."

"Maybe..." Suddenly I hear something loud coming from the trees. "Do you hear that?" Murphy nods his head. We follow the sound, careful not to bring any attention to us if it was in fact a Grounder. However once we saw what was making the sound we stood in awe. It was a beautiful waterfall that was cascading down from jagged rocks. It flowed into a pond that was around five feet deep. "They didn't mention anything about a waterfall when Octavia got injured did they?"

"I don't recall." Murphy states.

I run towards the water, excited to jump in. first I throw a rock in, making sure the pond was completely safe for swimming. "I'm going in."

"We can't swim." Murphy says while approaching me. I take off my pants, jacket and my oversized shirt. I was left in my navy blue tank top that had various cuts in it from being over 97 years old and underwear. I see Murphy look my body up and down. In space we were basically starving. I knew Octavia had a better body than me, she actually ate her rations Bellamy stole. I however grew up with an eating disorder, leaving my body frail and skinny. I wasn't beautiful.

"Stop looking at me please." He turns around. I walk in the water careful to not get my hearing aid wet or else I can't hear. It is the best feeling in the world, the water is so refreshing. "Okay your turn."

"What are you talking about?" He's still turned around.

"Turn around and take off your damn clothes. I won't look if you like. Just to be fair." I turn around and hear shuffling. I hear the water splash and feel it move. I feel his hand on the small of my back, he turns me around to face him. He's so close I can feel his breath on my face.

"Why didn't you want me looking at you?" He asks concerned.

"Because I don't deserve to be looked at." I state.

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