I Am Become Death

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Thanks to Sterling I got a good night's sleep which I really needed. I was told that while I was asleep, Bellamy, Clarke, Raven, Finn, and Jasper went to make a deal with the Grounders so there would be no more fighting, no more need for a war. However, things went sideways when the Grounders were going to kill my people. Luckily Jasper saw them in the trees and began to shoot them. He is now a hero to this camp, which had impressed some of the ladies, Harper amongst them.

Right now we are waiting for everyone to return back to camp. Sterling and I are hanging around Jasper and some other gunners while he retells his heroic tale. "You don't really know what you're made of until a moment like that when it's killed or be killed. And there's nothing between you and the tip of the spear." I glance over and see Harper basically throwing herself at him. Oh my God, she needs to control her hormones. I lean into Sterling's shoulder, his arm is placed around my waist, nodding along to whatever Jasper is saying, but not believing it for a second.

Suddenly we hear a noise from beyond the wall. "Somebody hit the tripwire!" Connor yells.

"Which wire?"

"Was it a grounder?" Everyone began to spiral out of control. I look over to Octavia who looks concerned. What if it was Cyrus or Lincoln? Shit. I make my way to the wall, Sterling beside me.

"Something moved."

"There, there, there!" Derek yells as he begins to shoot.

"Hold your fire!" I shout, "what if its Bellamy?" They don't care about what I say and continue to shoot.

"I think I got him, let's go." I follow behind Connor, Derek, and Octavia. They tell both Octavia and me to slow down however we don't listen because it could have been one of our friends.

I travel slightly ahead of the rest. "Demetria be careful," Connor tells me. I see someone on the ground. White-skinned and brown hair. Oh god, Cyrus I thought.

I peer farther beyond the bush the person was laying under. Kneel down and see how bloody the figure is. I place my hand on his shoulder hoping he wasn't dead. Suddenly the figure rolls away, frightened by my touch.

"Oh my god."

"No way."

I was going to say his name but Octavia beat me to it. "Murphy?"

I run over to him and hold his bloody figure in my arms. "Oh my god, John." I inspect all his wounds as best I could in the horrible lighting.

"Demetria he is not supposed to be here,"

"Shut up Connor and bring the torch closer." He does as he's told so I can see what the grounders did to my friend. I support Murphy's head in my palms and examine the cuts and bruises. His left shoulder is cut and bleeding along with both his arms, his one eye is closed shut from a punch and his fingernails were torn off.

"Thought you'd never see me again, did ya smarts?" He smirks through all the blood.

I look him straight in his bloodshot eye, "I hoped so." I help him up and tell Connor and Derek to carry him back to camp. I wipe my now bloody hands through my hair and begin to breathe heavily.

Octavia comes up to me, "Demetria are you okay?" I shake my head rapidly. No, I'm not okay. Murphy is my friend and didn't deserve to be tortured by the grounders. Or tortured period. And now Bellamy is going to kill him because Murphy wasn't supposed to come back to camp. However, in his defense, there was nowhere to go.

"I have to- I have to go see if he needs me." The words stumble out of my mouth. I can't believe that 100 kids were sent to the ground initially to die but are now at war.

I begin to walk back into camp, everyone's eyes are on me. I peered through the group of criminal and spot Sterling staring at me. Once eye contact is made I start to walk towards the dropship. I can see him through the corner of my eye making his way through the crowd.

"Demetria wait." I hear his voice but I continue on. "Please wait." I stop so he could catch up. He walks around me so that I am facing him. "I know he's not supposed to be here but you care for him and I want to help." I tilt my head up and look into his brown doe eyes, pleading for me to give him a chance.

I lay one hand on his shoulder, "please let me know when Bellamy returns." I push past him and carry on forward. However, I feel somewhat guilty so I come to a stop, "and Sterling," he turns around, "thank you." He smiles then returns to his post, on the lookout for my big brother.

Okay hope you like this chapter, only watched the intro to this episode and still wrote a whole chapter lol. gonna write the rest of the episode in the second part so be prepared to read a lot!!!

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