1.4 | Blind Arc

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''So what exactly do you want to discuss, Bakugou-kun?'' Mai asked. Bakugou had his back towards Mai as he replied.

''Why the fuck don't you pity yourself?''

Mai fell silent as a reminiscing but sad smile appeared on her face as she stared the ground down. She was hesitant to reply as she kept her mind on what seemed to be important.

''...I don't know. Why don't I feel pity for myself? What a sorry state I'm in... I'm sure anyone else would pity themselves if they were to be expelled.'' 

''I don't want to fucking hear that! I want to know your perspective, not some extra's!'' Bakugou turned around as anger boiled up inside him. It was extremely hard to ignore the frustrated face he wore.

''I don't think there's a reason to pity myself. I don't believe that becoming a hero was something I ever wanted to be... I have always watched them from the sidelines, becoming a hero never crossed my mind.'' Mai looked up to meet Bakugou's crimson eyes for the first time. Bakugou's expression was calm. He listened to her intently, it was a rare sight to see, but it was interesting to see another sight of him.

''Who decided to be a fuckwit and recommend you here then?'' Bakugou asked, clearly not understanding the whole story.

''My older brother, the pro hero Frostbite. He said that he wanted me to have a future, but what I really want is a peaceful life like what my grandfather had.'' Mai replied, seemingly daydreaming at the police officers entering the USJ.

''And what the hell's a peaceful life to you?''

''I guess tending to flowers and being a regular girl sounds the most ideal to me.'' 

Bakugou's eye twitched and his face grew more annoyed as he listened to the silver hair's life goal, out of anger, he reached out and grabbed the collar of Mai's hero costume and shook her hard. Mai stared into Bakugou's eyes as if realizing what was happening at the very moment.

''What the hell? There's all those extras who want to be a hero and you just wanna laze around and tend to your dead fucking flowers?! And you got a fucking recommendation too, what the fuck?!'' Bakugou's face was clouded over with pure rage at the helpless girl. Mai looked down and felt something harsh bubble up inside her. She didn't understand this emotion, but she felt that letting it out was the right thing to do.

''What makes you think that judging one's ideal is a smart thing to do?'' Mai felt Bakugou's hand tense when she met his frustrated eyes with her own watery ones. Before she knew it, she broke down, tears pouring down.

''I just want to be in peace okay?! I never wanted to become a hero, nor did I ask for a recommendation! I just want to plant flowers with my grandfather!!'' Mai yelled out on instinct. Bakugou stood there in silence and let go of her collar gently.

''What the hell is wrong with you..?'' Bakugou spoke, his hair hiding his eyes.

''How am I supposed to answer that..? Tell me Bakugou-kun, why do you keep coming near me if you hate me?'' Mai asked attempting to pull a smile, her face was unreadable though. No one would know if she was sad, happy or angry.

''You know exactly what I'm talking about! Don't play dumb with me!'' Bakugou lashed out once more.

Mai wiped her swollen eyes for any excess tears.

''I don't get it, Bakugou-kun,'' she said quietly.

Bakugou uttered a moan of frustration. ''Well I guess you fucking don't!'' he exclaimed bitterly. ''Let's get to the fucking point. Why the hell do you keep giving people dead flowers with your nonsense?'' Mai perked up.

''Huh? I don't think I've been giving people dead flowers... They're flowers that my grandfather and I planted. And what nonsense..? I really don't understand you Bakugou-kun.'' Mai emptied everything out. She didn't understand a thing.

Bakugou paused and stared at Mai in disbelief. He sighed in irritation and turned to leave just before saying something to her.

''Forget it... You're going to stay with me before you leave this academy, you fucking hear me?''

''Ah! That sounds good, that means I can get to know you right?'' Mai's eyes glittered, completely changing the tense atmosphere in just a few seconds.

''I don't fucking care. I don't intend to make friends anyway, I just need you to stick around.'' Bakugou replied curtly before leaving.

''What an strange boy.'' Mai muttered under her breath as she watched him leave.


Two days after the USJ incident...

''Bakugou-kun, what's your favourite food? What do you do during your spare time?'' Mai asked Bakugou in the field of flowers behind the school. Bakugou was somehow handling the silver haired quite well, answering every one of her questions in frustration.

''I like spicy things. I fucking train.''

''Hmm... Why don't you try smiling, Bakugou-kun?'' Mai asked flashing her usual smile at Bakugou.

''Haah? Why should I?'' He glared at her as usual. It was nothing special to Mai, as he did it most of the time to anyone and everyone. She laughed reaching her arms out to pull the corners of his lips up.

''There! That's an improvement. Maybe...'' Mai sweat dropped at the monstrosity she had just created.

''Hey! What the fuck's up with that face?'' Bakugou lashed out grabbing Mai's hands off his cheeks. Mai giggled as she turned to face the flowers.

''I'm not sure but,'' Mai started with a warm smile appearing on her face. Bakugou looked her way, noticing the sudden change of smiles.

''I think I'm starting to understand what kind of flower you are.'' 

Bakugou raised an eyebrow.

''What the fuck does that mean?'' 

''I guess it means that I'm starting to understand you a bit better.'' Mai replied looking at Bakugou's red eyes. Bakugou averted his gaze to the ground.

''The hell? Who the fuck would want to understand me? Freak...'' Bakugou muttered under his breath hesitantly.

Mai giggled at his soft expression. Yep, she was definitely getting to him.

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