Part 11 💜

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Joe's Pov: I woke up this morning remembering everything that happened last night which brought a smile to my face, I rolled over and lifted my hand up to put it down around Dianne to cuddle her but she wasn't there. I got up and looked around to see if she was anywhere but there was no sign of her, I shouted her name and still no reply. I decided I would call her and see where she was and check if she was okay, before I called her I noticed a folded piece of paper with "Joseph" written on it and a hand-drawn love heart on it, I loved when she called me Joseph. I opened up the piece of paper and I read the message Dianne left of telling me to meet her where we first said I love you to each other. I didn't know when I was meant to go or what I'm supposed to wear. I texted Dianne to see what she was planning but I got no response so I went for a shower hoping I would get a reply by the time I'm out.

Dianne's Pov: I was at my apartment getting ready and I get a text from Joe...

J- Hey gorgeous, Where are you? What's going on? Call me, please xxx
D- Aww, you're finally awake, I'll call you in a sec and I'll explain xxx

I wasn't going to tell Joe everything but I felt like I should explain a few things to him. I phone Joe and I get no answer straight away so I leave a message just saying to call me back when you're ready. In the meantime, I have to make another call to confirm that the performers would be there.

Booking Office- Booking Office for Bandstand Performers, how can I help you?
D- Hi, it's Dianne Buswell, I got told to give you a call today about confirming my request for tonight
Booking Office- Oh hi! Yes! We were going to give you a ring anyway, everything is set and ready to go. 7:30 still the right time?
D- Yeah that's perfect thank you! Did you get the list of songs I sent you?
Booking Office- Yes I did, are those still the only one you would like played?
D- If these few songs are on the list you're looking at then that's perfect "This Year's Love", "Rainbow Connection", "Common"
Booking Office- That's the list we've got. Is there anything else we need to go over?
D- I don't think so, it all sounds perfect
Booking Office- Okay, great well I hope everything goes to plan and it all goes well
D- Thank You so much for your help
Booking Office- Don't be afraid to give us a ring if you need anything else
D- Will do. Thank You
Booking Office- No worries

I was so happy that that was all sorted and that was going to plan. I really hope Joe enjoys this, I've used songs that mean a lot to us. I have made sure that the bandstand will be performing the songs in the same spot we said those three words on that night. Not long after I had been off the phone from the Booking Office, Joe was calling so I picked up and was ready to explain a few things...

D- Hey you!
J- Hey reddo, what are you up too?
D- Just a little something special for my special boy
J- Aw Di, you didn't have to but can you please fill me in a little bit, please
D- Yeah I'll fill the gaps but only slightly
J- So what do I have to do exactly aha
D- Okay so meet me where I told you, I'll be outside waiting for you there. Dress smart and don't mention this to anyone. You also have to meet me there at 7pm. Was that enough information?
J- I suppose it will do
D- I'm really excited for you to see all of this plus, I've missed you all day
J- I'm nervous as to what you've actually got planned but I've really been missing you today too
D- Listen gorgeous, I've got to go and check everything for tonight is set but I'll phone you later before I meet you at the special location, Okay?
J- Finneeeeee, be quick though so that I can talk to you again soon
D- I'll try aha, bye, love you
J- Love you more

Joe's Pov: Dianne vaguely explained what I had to do but not what was happening.  She told me to dress smart so I got out the suit I wore for the Pride Of Britain because the place Dianne chose is a special place and the night I wore that suit was also a special night

I'm so so sorry this took so long to get out, I've been really busy and I've had a lot going on. The next part should be the big moment your waiting for aha. I hope you enjoyed this ❤️

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