Part 18 💜

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Joe's Pov: I woke up a lot earlier than usual by my phone ringing. I picked it up and saw that it was someone from "This Morning Studios". Obviously, I picked it up, my voice was all raspy because it was my morning voice but as I was talking, the person asked if me and Dianne could come in for an interview today, the other person had to cancel and they were going to ask us to come in some time soon anyway. I told them it should be fine and that I would double check with Dianne and get back to them ASAP. I hung up and woke Dianne up, it was a struggle but I did it.

J- Morning
D- Morning, you okay
J- Perfect whenever I'm with you, you know that
D- What's up with you this morning?
J- Nothing, but speaking of This Morning, are we free to go for an interview with Holly and Phil on This Morning today
D- I don't see why not
J- So shall I phone back and tell them we're good to go?
D- I guess so yeah. What time to we have to there?
J- As soon as we can, I'll let you know when I phone but I would suggest to start getting ready considering how long it takes you to get ready in the mornings
D- I don't take that long!
J- Yes you do!
D- Anyway! Just phone them and tell them we'll be there.

I phoned them back and told them we were free and up for the interview. They told me our interview was at 11:15 so if we could be there a wee while before, so they could do hair and makeup and mics and stuff like that. I told them that was all perfect and then told Dianne. We were ready earlier than planned so we went downstairs to chat for a bit. I came down after Dianne and saw her sat on the sofa on her phone, I walked over to her and took it off her and told her

J- Tech-free day today!
D- Oh yeah! I forgot about that, sorry

We talked for a bit more and decided it was time to leave so I ordered an uber to take us to the studios. In the uber, Dianne seemed really tired, I let her sleep because we were up early and I didn't want her to be tired during our interview. I took my phone with me even though it was a tech-free day, we decided we would still be able to take our phones with us, wherever we were going. I took mine out just to check a few business emails whilst Dianne slept. When we arrived I gently woke Dianne woke up, paid the Uber then headed into the studio. We saw Holly and Phil briefly before heading into our dressing room. We just chilled for a little bit and watched the show until we had to go on. We were both on the sofa, cuddled into each other the way we would in my dressing room during Strictly. I was sitting up and Dianne lying on my chest with her legs up on the sofa. She seemed a lot more affectionate than usual today, I loved when she was cuddly and affectionate but I had a thought in the back of my mind wondering if anything was wrong. Shortly after that, it was time for our interview. We didn't know exactly what the interview was about so during the break Holly and Phil explained that we would talk about our relationship and our plans for the future and a bit about Youtube and Strictly too.

(H- Holly, P- Phil)

H- Hello, and welcome back after the break. Now we have a last minute interview with Joe Sugg and his now girlfriend, Dianne Buswell.
P- Yes and welcome both of you.  Thank you for coming at such late notice but.... how are you guys
J- No worries, yeah, we're really good, really happy
D- Yeah I'm super happy
P- So, how did this happen again, I mean last time you were on was just before the semi-finals of Strictly and we asked you about the rumors, you denied them then and now look where you are now!

J&D - Laughing

J- Yeah, we did didn't we. Ummm, yeah well we decided to get together round about Pride of Britain
D- Which most people guessed actually
J- Yeah they did! We obviously then went on the tour and things went a bit rocky but we're back and even better than before
H- and the first time you saw each other since the tour was the reunion wasn't it
D- Yeah it was. We all had to perform one of the dances that we did on the show so I asked Joe if he wanted to go pick a dance. So we went and decided which dance, talked about stuff, changed our choice of dance and left that night back together again.
H- Aww that's so sweet
P- So how have things been since then?
J- Amazing, yeah. Before in videos when we were together we couldn't show us being too affectionate so it was weird acting a bit differently on camera but obviously, our fans aren't blind and they could tell something was up but now we can be as affectionate as we want.

Dianne's Pov: I was currently in the middle of an interview with Joe talking about our relationship. He was talking about us showing more affection to the audience now in videos and stuff. As he said it he grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined with each other.
H- and obviously when you were on Strictly it was difficult for you to manage Strictly and your Youtube so how has Youtube been going now?
J- Yeah it's a lot easier now, I've got more time to film and edit and stuff. During the tour it was a little easier than when we were on the show but it was still difficult but having my audience behind me and supporting me in no matter what I go into, they've been really patient with everything
P- and Dianne what about your dancing
D- Yeah that's pretty much the same, I've got my tour with some other of the girls from Strictly so I've got that to look forward to
P- Joe, will you be joining her?
J- Umm think on most yeah, again with Youtube that would be difficult too but of course, I'd go and support Dianne if she wanted me there
P- Dianne, would you want him there
D- Of course, I'd love him to be there but if he has any commitments then that's also completely fine.
H- Aw, you're both so supportive of each other and it's so lovely nice to see that. Now, there's obviously the "Strictly Curse" that everyone talks about but you wouldn't class this as a "curse" would you?
D- No! Definitely not. Obviously, when I started Strictly I was in a relationship and I did break it off but it wasn't because of Joe at all. He was supportive of me when it happened and then we just became closer and closer and now we're here so yeah!
P- So now that you're here, what plans do you have for the future? We heard rumours of engagement a lot before the tour but you shut that down, how about now?
J- Yeah, we did shut it down because 1, it just true but 2, we had only known each other a few months and it was quite quick.
P- and now.....
J- and now, we don't really know haha. We have a trip to Switzerland booked that Di surprized me with so we've got that to look forward too
D- Yeah, I mean I can't say much about engagement in the future but we've talked about how we do want to spend the rest of our lives together, forever
H- Any babies planned?
D- We've talked about that too but we haven't decided when or anything but we think we do want to have kids in future as well yeah.

P- Look at Joe! He's gone all red haha

I take a look over at Joe and Phil was right, he had gone all red but he just wrapped his free hand around my waist and pulled me in.

H- Well I hope everything carries on going so well with you two in the future and hopefully we'll have you guys on again soon with some more news!
D- Haha, Thank you
P- Yeah, thanks for coming guys
J- Thank you, cheers

Thought this might be a nice fill in idea. I've got a bit of writers block which is why i'm not posting as much as I used too. I don't know what I want to happen so Please! let me know what you'd like to see happen in the comments ❤️

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