Part 16 💜

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Dianne's Pov: I woke up all tangled in Joe's arms I wanted to get up without waking him which would've been impossible so I just stayed exactly where I was and went on my phone. Not long after waking up, Joe had woken up, he pulled me closer to him and gave me the biggest hug and then tricked me by starting to tickle me, I'm one of the most ticklish people ever. I tried to tell him to stop but I could get my words out from laughing so much. He finally stopped and we both went on our phones for a while. Last night before we went to bed Joe put on his story for people to ask him questions and because we FaceTimed my family and then went straight to bed he never managed to answer so he started to do it now and some he answered some in a jokey way and some seriously. One that he answered was for us to handcuffed for 24 hours, he told them he would do it when I was asleep which made me laugh but also couldn't tell how serious he was being. I got up and ready and shortly after Joe was getting ready too, we decided that we would film a video today so I asked people on my story what they would like to see and we went a made breakfast whilst we waited for all the requests to come through. Joe made us scrambled eggs and toast and as we sat down I checked my phone to see what people wanted to see us film. There was the girlfriend tag, what's in the box, handcuffed for 24 hours but the most requested was for me to teach Joe the rumba and tango. I really wanted to teach him them anyway so doing it for a video would be good too.

D- How about we film me teaching you the Rumba and Tango?
J- Which one then cos it's gonna take a long time for me to get one of them let alone both aha
D- How about the Tango seen as you loved the Paso Doble so much?
J- Yeah okay, if we move everything in the sitting room out will we have enough room?
D- Probably.  For the first one, I can just teach you simple stuff and a bit of  routine I had ready
J- How can you remember it?
D- I can't remember it properly but I will go over basic and music and then the essential bit of tango.
J- Okay, do you wanna go get changed whilst I move stuff out the way?
D- Yeah, I'll go get my dance stuff on and then I'll move the rest whilst you get the camera stuff ready
J- Okay

Joe's Pov: I started moving a few things towards the walls and leave other stuff for Dianne to stack things up as I set all my equipment up for us to film. I went upstairs to get changed, I went into my room and as I walked past Dianne had just come out all changed and ready

J- Looking good Miss Buswell
D- Why thank you Mr Sugg
J- I'm just gonna get changed and then I'll be down
D- Okay, see you down there Joseph

I blushed and grinned as I heard her call me Joseph. I got changed and I could hear Dianne "trying" to move thing out the way but she was definitely struggling so I ran downstairs, crept it, turned in my camera and then helped her, I so wanted this in camera. Once we moved everything we were all set to go and ready to film the video.

J- Hey guys and welcome back to the channel, today I'm joined with the lovely Miss Dianne Buswell
D- Hello!
J- Now today we are going to do something we haven't done properly in a while.... a main channel video! Ha, that was funny wasn't it
D- No
J- Oh well, anyway, Dianne is going to teach me some Tango! Now seen as we don't have a training room we're just gonna go over the basics of Tango and whatever and then we might try and get a studio booked?
D- Can we actually!
J- Yeah! Of course!
D- Oh I can't wait for that!
J- Right lets just get on with it, you ready?
D- too right I am!
J- Okay so what do I have to do first
D- So were gonna start just listening to the music. The music is......... "When Doves Cry" by Prince

J- Ooh! is that why you've been playing it over and over again recently?!
D- Yeah! Ever since we've mentioned learning it I've been slipping it in now and again. So now you've heard it a few times you now know when the beats are coming
J- Yep, liikkkkeeeeeee...... NOW!
D- Okay the next thing we're gonna do is posture
J- Ugh, I hate this bit! Guys, I hated this when we were doing the Argentine Tango!
D- Joe! Focus!
J- Oh yeah sorry guys, sometimes Di goes in strict moods
D- Joe posture!
J- Okay, Okay! I know you wanna laugh tho!

Just as I said, Di ended up laughing and lost concentration, we ended up laughing about things and joking to the camera about things that used to happen in training

J- Let me know if you want a separate video of us just talking about our time in training in the comments
D- Would they not find that boring?
J- They'll like anything with you in it
D- I know! They love me don't they!
J- Not as much as I do tho

Dianne's Pov: Just as Joe said that I couldn't help myself and ended up giving him a massive hug and kissing him

D- I love you
J- I love you more

We end up going through a bit more...

D- Slow, slow, quick, quick slow and again, slow, slow, quick, quick, slow. Good!
J- Am I doing the feet right though?
D- Not really ahah
J- Show me then

I show Joe which feet he has to use, I have to use my hands to put his legs in the right place

D- Forward with your left, Forward with your right, Forward with left, To the right with your right, Feet together, moving left to meet right. That's it! 
J- Can we go over it again a few times with right rhythm

I take Joe though it again and we just end up laughing most of it

D- Okay we have to do it in hold so use the posture I taught you before and do the footwork we did before
J- Kay

We go through it slowly and he doesn't really get it but it's understandable because he's never done it before, we go through it again and again

D- Owwwww
J- Sorry, I was meant to go right not onto your foot wasn't I
D- Yep
J- I'll try fix that

We laugh it off and he gives me kiss and a cuddle to make me better which does really help. He's doing pretty well considering it's his first time, but the more we go through it the more he's messing up and I can tell he's just getting tired, this happened when we were training for the show before.

D- We can end it there and turn it into a series
J- If you're sure
D- Of course I'm sure, you're tired, let's finish this and then go for a shower and then I'll make us dinner
J- Thank you, your amazing
D- Save it all till after your shower Mr
J- Fineee. So guys that's it for today, we'll carry this on soon and get a studio booked to get the proper routine going but in the meantime subscribe to the vlog channel, I'm posting a lot more on there and subscribe on here too, like and comment and I will see you guys next time, bye!
D- byeee!

Joe's Pov: I had just finished up the video and I started putting the camera away whilst Dianne went to get changed before cooking us our meal. She didn't take that long so she was basically down in seconds, and started cooking

J- What are you making us tonight
D- Spaghetti Bolognese
J- Aw that's my favourite of yours
D- Glad you like it cos it's all your getting aha
J- Right, I'm off for my shower, I'll be down soon
D- Okay, don't be to long

I didn't want to leave Dianne right now, I just felt like I didn't want to leave her side so I went in the shower but I was as quick as I could possibly be before heading back downstairs

Please keep in mind I have no clue what I'm on about there. I found something online and tried to put something together. Hope you enjoyed this, it's a little boring but hope you like it ❤️

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