Part 15 💜

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Joe's Pov: We had just finished our meal and cleaned everything up and Dianne took our wine over to the sofa and decided to watch a movie on the TV. I had Dianne cuddled into my chest with my arm round her shoulder. I reached over to grab us a blanket and cover us making sure more of it was on Dianne than me. I played with the ends of her hair whilst scrolling through my Instagram. I went onto my stories and saw that Andrew had just posted a photo of him with Mark and Rina. I forgot how different the time zone is in Australia, it was difficult to keep in touch with Dianne when she was there but we made it work, just like we always do. It looked as if Dianne had just seen the story out of the corner of her eye as she let out a little "Aww".  I always thought it would be hard for Dianne but ever since we got together, I realised just how hard it really is for her.

J- Di, sit up a sec
D- What for
J- How about, we FaceTime your family?!
D- Omg, really!
J- Why not! They're awake, Andrew just posted on his story and you parents are there so why not!
D- Okay! I'll message Andrew to check if they're free
J- Alright, do u want me to get you a refill on that wine aha
D- I mean yeah if you wouldn't mind
J- Of course I will

I got up to get Dianne some more wine whilst I gave her a kiss on the forehead on my way up.

D- They're free! You ready to call?!
J- Oh good! Hang on, just coming
D- Hurry up Joe!
J- It's your wine I'm getting!
D- Still! Hurry up!

I ran back over with our wine and sat down next to Dianne as she called Andrew.

( D- Dianne J- Joe M- Mark R- Rina A- Andrew)

A, M, R- Hey guys!!
D, J- Heyyy!
R- What are you doing up at this time?!
D- To be honest we're not sure
J- We were watching a movie so that could be why
D- Yeah it's probably that
A, M, R - (laughing)
D- How are you guys anyway
A- We're all good, more to the point though, how are you guys though!
J- Aha, we're good, this one surprised me the other day as well
D- I don't how I got away with him not finding out to be honest
R- Aw what did you do?
D- I left him a note telling him go to a special place for us that I would meet him there. When he got there I had booked some bandstand performers and had them play our special songs then surprised him with an envelope. You say the rest
J- Okay, she had me close my eyes and gave an envelope and when I opened it there was the sweetest note ever and then tickets to Switzerland!
A, M, R- Awww
M- Darling, how lovely of you! You both deserve that
D- Thanks Dad
A- How are you gonna top that Joe?!
J- I have no clue mate aha
M- When have you got a new video out Joe?
J- I've got one going up in a few days I think
R- Aw can't wait for it!
D- I think we're gonna film one where I teach him the dances we never got to do on the show!
A- Yes! That's such a good idea! I hope we see that up! Did you hear that Joe aha?!
J- Loud and clear haha
D- Are you still doing all the runs on the beach
M- No he hasn't Dot, he's been pretty lazy
A- Dad!
D- How are Mia and Billy?
R- They're good, missing there Aunty Dot just like the rest of us!
D- Aw I miss you all too!
R- They've been asking for you to Joe!
J- Really! Aw I hope to see them one day!
A- They'll love that!

Dianne's Pov: We carried on talking to my family for quite a while, catching up on everything and anything. I loved how well they got on with Joe, especially Andrew. They were like brothers separated at birth, they get on so well. As I was sat in Joe's arms with my family in-front of me, I felt like the luckiest girl alive. I had the best boyfriend and the best family EVER! I was starting to get quite tired so we came off FaceTime and me and Joe headed upstairs to bed

D- Thank You
J- What for?
D- Being the best boyfriend I could ever ask for
J- Always and forever Di
D- Always and forever Joseph

We gave each other a kiss goodnight before lying down. I had Joe's arms wrapped around me making me feel safe, as always. I really am the luckiest girl alive

Hope you enjoyed this Chapter. I'm going to try and get these up daily and if not ever second day. Let me know what you thought of this chapter 😘

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