Chapter 14

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Last night we did end up watching a horror but before we did we watched The Notebook. After the horror movie though i knew i wouldn't be able to sleep but i still chose to be brave in front of Cameron and say i would be able to sleep in my own bed so now i'm lying down on my bed clutching the covers so tight i doubt even a beast could tame me to take the sheets off me. Now one good thing is i don't have to be up early but bad point when i don't have the right amount of sleep i become a very grouchy person. Giving up my dignity i make my journey up to Cameron's room. Deciding against knocking i walk straight in to his room. Finding Cameron with the sheet just over his legs and showing off his naked torso.

"Cameron?" Quietly yelling if that is even possible.

No answer. Sleep begging to take over me i waste no time in quietly/carefully squeezing in beside him. Obviously not being quiet enough Cameron wakes up groaning quietly.

"Scarlett?" He questions.

"Hi" i shyly respond.

"You okay?"

"Um yeah i guess, the movie scared me and i couldn't sleep so i thought i could come up here and see if you could help. That sounds stupid oh god this is embarrassing okay I'm just going to go back to my room night morning whatever is Cam bye" I ramble on.

Before i can get out his bed he wraps both arms around me and pulls me back in to him.

"No you can stay right here. I shouldn't have made you watch the horror okay. Just cuddle in to me i will wait till you fall asleep okay?" He suggests.

"Thanks" He gently brushes his lips over mine and before i know it i'm out like a light.


"Scarlett" Someone says gently shaking my shoulder. I groan and roll away from the person who's shaking me.

"Don't groan, come on i want to show you something" Someone says.

"Leave me alone Jake" I groan.

"What? no it's Cameron, who the hell is Jake?" it's Cameron. Sitting up i take in my surroundings.

"Good your awake, now who the hell is Jake?" He grumbles.

"Uh Jake um yeah Jake is my uh my dog yeah my dog" I scramble about with my words.

"Scarlett i'm not dumb okay, who is Jake?" He demands.

"Cameron we can speak about this later i'm tired i will speak to you tomorrow" I quickly run to the door and down to my room. Hearing a knock more like a bang against my door i know it's Cameron and that is exactly why i choose to ignore it, forgot to mention i turned the lock on the door so he couldn't walk in.

Now probably guessing that i would just go back to sleep well your wrong because now i have to figure out who i will tell Cameron Jake is. I probably have about 2 hours before Cameron comes back.

2 hours later**

As expected Cameron came charging through the door which i unlocked 20 minutes ago.

"Come on i want to take you somewhere, please?" He adds. Holding out his hand for me to take. Nodding i slip my hand in his and he pulls me along to the garage?

"No before you ask i'm taking you to the car and then showing you what i wanted to" opening the passenger door of his audio r8 i get in.

"Now here is a blindfold because it's a surprise" He smiles handing over a blindfold. Choosing not to argue i tie the blindfold well a wait a mickey mouse tie?

"Um Cameron mickey mouse?" I laugh.

"Just put it on lettie" He demands lightly laughing at the end.

Yes i put on the blindfold and no i'm not forgetting he just called me 'Lettie'.

"Lettie?" I question.

"Yep Lettie is your nickname like it?" He asks.

"It's okay i guess, now here come the questions where are you taking me?"

"it's a surprise" He says and that is when i choose to just wait.

About 20 minutes later the engine is turned off and Cameron's door is opened. Coming round to my side he opens up the door and guides me out the car. Taking off the blindfold i'm blinded by the sun for a few seconds i take in my surrounding.

"Wow" I breathe. We're in a what looks like a forest with flowers that reach to my knees all around.

"It's beautiful" breathtakingly beautiful.

"Yeah me and my-" He trails off.

"Me just me comes here to think i guess. Good to be alone and have no one interrupt me" He covers up.

Me and my who?

He guides me down to sit on the floor of flowers and pulls me closer to him.

"Now that we are in a secluded area you can tell me who Jake is" He says. My body immediately stiffens at the mention of his name.

"You know i think i have somewhere to be could you take me back please?" I beg.

"Who is Jake Lettie?" He demands.

"Cameron it doesn't matter who he is please can you just forget him i didn't mean to call you that" I tell him.

"Well Scarlett we're not leaving here until you tell me who the hell Jake is" He says.

"Why do you have to know so bad" I whine.

"I care about you alot and your actually the only person i have ever cared about okay and with the mention of this guys name you tense up so you need to tell me just please" He urges.

"Fine okay okay Cameron Jake is my ex-boyfriend" I exclaim.

"And why the hell do you tense when his name is said?" he asks.

"Because Cameron Jake tried to kill me"

Chapter 14. Thank you so much to everyone who has read this book it means a lot, please enjoy.




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