Chapter 25

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Waking up felt weird this morning. I didn't have the usual arms wrapped around my body and the familiar head buried in my neck. Nope I woke up with my wrists tied to a bed.

"Good morning Scarlett" dad?

Voicing out my thoughts. "Dad?" Wow my voice sounds like a dying person.

"Hello" that's when it all comes back to me.

"You knocked me out how could you?" Disbelief through my voice.

"You weren't going to come with me there was no other way"

"Dad that's does not give you the right to kidnap me" I exclaim.

"Scarlett your my daughter, you belong to me"

"Untie my wrists now" I demand.

"Fine" he harshly unties my wrists.

"Ow" I murmur cradling my right wrist that seems more sore than my left.

"Now take me back to the Dallas's"

"Scarlett understand this you are going nowhere you are staying right here with me" he states.

"No I'm not dad I'm in love with Cameron and he's in love with me so either you take me back or I'm going mys-"



Hit or strike with the palm of the hand or a flat object.

"my sister slapped my face"

synonyms: hit, strike, smack, crack, clout, cuff, thump, punch, thwack, spank, rap, beat; More

hit against or into something with the sound of something being slapped.

That's exactly what my dad done.

"Oh god Scarlett are you okay? I didn't mean that. I'm sorry" he rushes out his words.

"Get out" he runs out the door.

Feeling a vibrate come from my back pocket I realise something.

My dad actually left my phone. Idiot.

26 missed calls-Cameron

18 missed calls-Peter

46 messages from Cameron

8 "I love you"

10 "Where the hell are you?"

9 "I need you"

13 "Please come back"

6 "How could you leave me?"

"One new voice mail"

Scarlett where the hell are you? You need to come home. If I have done something wrong you need to tell me you can't just leave. I know I was a whore before you came but you will never understand how much I love you it scares me sometimes how much I do so please just come home. We can work it out promise. I'm not normally cheesy but life without you really isn't worth living. The dreams I have at night? Everyone of them are about you. Me, you a house on the beach with a big family around us. My favourite part of sleeping so for that I'm coming now to your dad's apartment because Scarlett Jackson I love you so fucking much and I'm not letting you go that easy.

"End of message"

Wiping the tears away I begin to text him.

-I love you too, don't ever doubt that. Now please come get me-

"No no give me your phone right now" my so called dad yells from the door way.

"I'm going back to the Dallas's dad it's where I belong we both know it" I tell him.

Once again I'm slapped. Tears stream down my face.

"I'm not going to apologise for that one because you deserved it" he states.

"What happened to you?"

"My whore of a daughter decided to sleep with a guy who will never love her"

"I've only slept with one guy so your whore statement is wrong and also Cameron does love me" I yell angrily at him.

"Say goodbye to Cameron because your never seeing him again" claps come from behind him.

"Oh how wrong that is" Cameron.

My dad quickly turns around to face him.

"Oh how bad of a decision for you to come here" my dad spits. Just as Cameron is about to answer dad swiftly turns to me. One thing different.

He holds a knife in his hands.

"If I can't have my daughter neither can you" just as he's about to stab my stomach I slouch lower so my shoulder takes the blow. 2 police officers come running in handcuffing my dad and dragging him away.

"Scarlett do not close your eyes" is the last thing I hear because once again everything goes black.

This time when I woke up I may have not had my wrists tied to a bed but I was blinded by something bright well whatever it is.

Would it be weird to say I think I'm getting dragged to heaven? Yes probably.

As my vision comes back I realise just where I am. A place I have hated since I was 14.


As I feel slight movement in my hand I look down only to find another hand holding mine and a head of brown hair next to it. Cameron. How can he even sleep like that?

As if he can hear my thoughts his head shoots up and looks directly at me. At first a smile comes on to his face but then it turns in to a glare.

"How could you?" He roughly pulls his hand away from mind.

"What are you talking about?" Yeah I'm confused.

"You had to have a blood transfusion"

"Right and..?"

"Also they had to check on how your babies were doing" shit.

"I can expl-"

"You can explain, really Scarlett because the doctor has already. Three months Scarlett. 3 fucking months and you didn't tell me. There not just your babies their mine as well"

"I just found out two days ago"

"Scarlett you have been in a coma for two weeks"

"Are my babies okay?" I instantly put my hands to my stomach.

"Our babies are fine" he replies harshly.

"I was going to tell you. That day my dad took me I was just about to but then all that happened and I couldn't. We're having twins I don't know the gender I didn't want to until I spoke with you. I'm so sorry" I cry.

"Remember my voicemail?" He questions. I nod.

"And I said In my dream we have a big family"

"Yeah" I whisper.

"Well I guess we are just beginning it earlier that I thought" his arms come around me in a protective hug.

"Oh and there both boys" he whispers.

So that is actually the last chapter. Yes there will definitely be an epilogue. What I really wanted to say was...

Thank you so much for everyone who has read this book you have no idea how much it means to me. So just thank you and I really hope you did enjoy it.

If any of you have read my description I am from England and from next week I will be moving to London. Woo new school and as you all know with that new bitches who think they are better than everyone else. So back to it just thank you!!


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