Chapter 20

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My chapter always seem to either start the same way or end the same way. Starting to find it really boring so i've had this song stuck in my head for the past like 4 days and i thought i would just type it. Sound good? i actually have an obsession with Ed Sheeran like really bad i love like all of his song. I think my playlist has like 3 songs that aren't sang by him. Should i feel ashamed? no because he is freaking awesome. Just admit it:).

When your legs don't work like they used to before

And I can't sweep you off of your feet

Will your mouth still remember the taste of my love?

Will your eyes still smile from your cheeks?

-thinking out loud, video on the side.

Now on with the chapter yeah?

"Hey I'm just going to the bathroom" That is what Cameron said to me 25 minutes ago. So where the fuck is he?


Where are you??

Waiting 5 minutes still no reply. Taking matters in to my own hands I get out of my chair and begin looking around for a Cameron. Walking round the corner I see Cameron leaning against a locker with a girl infront of him. What does this girl look like? One word 'Slut' she's wearing the uniform but she has definitely made alterations to it her skirt was pulled right up leaving her bum hanging out the buttons on her shirt weren't buttoned right so you could see her bra and the tie loosely tied around her neck.

"Your so hot Cam, why are you with that ugly skank?" She asks him in a stupid squeaky voice.

"Who's the skank?" He asks dumbfounded.

"You know Scarlett whatever her name is" before Cameron could reply her lips are on his. The worse thing about it he didn't push her off. That was my cue to leave. Not actually watching where I was going I ran straight in to Luke my locker neighbour. Before I could fall he catches me.

"Hey Scarlett you okay?"

"Uh no, i just caught Cameron kissing a total slut" I tell him.

"Come on, you had lunch?"


"Okay I will take you to my favourite place?" He offers.

Turns out his favourite place is McDonald's.

"McDonald's really?" I laugh.

"I'm offended that you are laughing right now" he says feigning hurt. I start laughing not really knowing what's that funny.

"So sit in or drive through?"

"Sit in" I say.

After getting something to eat we just kinda talked, he took me go karting which was amazing. The time we got back it was already 8.30.

"Wow I didn't think it was that late" I say after looking at the time.

"Yeah I guess when your having fun time flies right?"

"I guess it does, I actually had a good time we should do it again I guess" I offer.

"Yes we definitely will, good luck with Cameron" he says and walks off.

Damn I forgot all about what happened.

Walking in to my dorm I find Cameron pacing back and forth.

"Get the fuck out" I shout at him. He looks over at me angry and a little confused.

"What the fuck? Where the hell have you been?! I've been worried sick and your telling me to get out. Where the fuck were you Scarlett?" He shouts right back.

"Why don't you go ask the slut you were making out with?"

"The slut what? You seen that?" He asks.

"Of coarse I fucking seen it I came looking for you"

"She kissed me if you stayed longer you would have seen me push her off me and then stand up for you" he defends himself.

"Yeah it sure looked like you put up a fight when she kissed you"

"Scarlett that girl? Well slut actually that is Jessica. I would never kiss her, I was shocked one minute she is talking and then her lips are on mine I just froze. Never would I ever kiss her back I love you. I love you so fucking much Scarlett. I don't care if before I met you I slept with loads of girls but I never felt anything towards them but with you it's completely different when I touch you I get like an electric shock but that's a good thing when we kiss I feel there a freaking zoo in my stomach and when we have sex the connection I feel between the both of us nothing and I mean nothing has ever felt like that. Your the only reason I can actually sleep through the night" he says standing in front of me holding on to my face with both hands.

"I'm sorry baby if it looked like I was kissing her but you have to trust me I love you and only you" he promises giving me a gentle kiss on my nose. My eyes flutter close from his touch a tear slipping out of my eye. He quickly kisses the tear away.

"So where did you go anyway?" He asks.

If I tell him I was with Luke he will be mad..

"Just went to get something to eat with Skylar" I lie.

Not long at all I know but I'm hoping to make my next chapter longer for you guys so just hold on.

Thanks for reading.





And if you haven't heard of thinking out loud-Ed sheeran listen for me please??

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