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3. The Hunter and The Wolf


I trotted through the forest, finding Octavia where I'd seen her last.

I sniffed the air for a moment only to smell blood. Human blood.

This confused me, making me walk toward Octavia until I saw the blood on her hands and the tears falling down her cheeks.

"Aura?" A sniffled and choked voice called out.

I looked over at Octavia, who now looked at me in happiness and comfort. Her arm was extended as if to let me sniff. I walked right up and nuzzle my head into Octavia's side.

Octavia's arm wrapped around me as I let her cry a little more, feeling oddly comforted by me. I back up and walked over to the cut, tilting my head to the side in thought.

I lowered my head to sniff her bloody hand, before licking it with my tongue and I continued to lick until all the blood was gone.

"Thank you," Octavia said, smiling as she rubbed my fur.

I didn't understand why I was being like this towards Octavia, but I didn't mind it much. I enjoyed the company she gave me. She had a kind heart and wasn't trying to kill me.

"Jasper got hurt. A spear hit him right in the chest." She said after a while. I lifted my head shooting my head towards her. "Don't worry he'll be fine. Clarke and I are helping him. I brought clothes so you could come to see him."

I laid down beside Octavia, glad that Jasper was ok and I decided to relax. It only lasted around an hour when a twig snapped and I was on all fours, teeth bared and in attack mode. Octavia was on her knees and trying to pull me back, but I wouldn't budge.

Coming out from behind the tree was an older looking boy with dark hair.

"Bellamy? What are you doing here?" Octavia asked. I felt myself lean back from the stance once I realized Octavia knew this boy.

"Get behind me." He ordered, bringing me back to my attack stance as he pointed the gun at me.

"No, don't hurt her." Octavia took a brave step in front of the gun, blocking me from its view.

I was confused by this action. What the hell was Octavia doing standing in front of a gun to protect me?

"O, stop fooling around. Come with me before you get hurt." Bellamy grabbed her arm tightly and pulled, making me bark rapidly.

"She won't hurt me," Octavia said pulling her arm from his grip and crouched in front of me, moving her gaze from Bellamy to me.

"Go, come back later." She whispered into my ear, knowing I understood her perfectly.

I gave Octavia a small lick to the cheek before sprinting off into the distance.


I watched as Bellamy and his group took cautious steps in the forest.

"Split up! Charlotte, stay with me! See anything, Kill it then bring it back to camp!" Bellamy yelled.

My lips lifted, teeth bare and a growl in the depths of my throat. I would do anything to tear him apart, but for some reason, I couldn't. I had no desire to kill him.

I came forward, letting my growl surprise him and the little girl he had with him. He pulled out his gun and pointed it toward me, his pointer finger simply brushing against the trigger when I took the first step to attack.

Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now