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11. Kiss of Death


"Nothing from Bellamy?" I asked Raven as I entered engineering.

"Not yet," she said as she wrote something on a piece of paper.

"What is taking so long?" I said, pacing around the room.

"Hey. I'm sure he's fine." she said, putting her pen down as she looked at me. "You okay?"

"Yes." I said before seeing the look on her face. "No. I've been having trouble controlling my anger. I'm surprised I haven't hurt anyone yet."

"Do you think it's cause you haven't turned in a while?" Raven said.

"I hope not." I said, but before I could continue, the door opens.

"We found two mountain men. They were trying to kill Clarke." Octavia said, out of breath.

"What? Clarke's back?" I asked.

"Yeah. She's in medical." Octavia replied.

"Is she okay?"

"She's fine. But a grounder got shot in her place, and we brought back one of the mountain men." Octavia told us.

"What?!" I said, running out the room, heading to medical.

Once I was there, I saw people running around and two bodies on medical beds, one in a suit. I ran over to Abby, who stood over a grounder, who was shot in the stomach.

"What happened?" I said.

"He got shot. I need blood. O-neg. A lot." Abby said, putting my hand over the grounder's bullet wound.

"I can see that." I muttered before pointing at the guy next to me. "Here, take over."

"Me, and Lexa are the targets." Clarke said from behind me as she stood over the body in the suit. She looked up at me before saying, "So are you."

"Shit." I muttered, my hand clenching before looking at the body in the suit. "Is he from the mountain?"

"Yeah. We need to keep him alive." Clarke said.

"Lock him down." one of the guards said.

"There was a tear in his suit, but we fixed it in the field." Clarke said.

I saw Raven come in and look around the room, and I waved her over, calling out, "Raven over here."

"Anything from Bellamy?" Clarke asked her.

"No." Raven, and I said in unison.

"Then why aren't you with the radio?" Clarke yelled at Raven.

"Clarke!" I scolded.

"Octavia just took my place. How about you back off?" Raven told Clarke.

Jackson went to take of the mask, only to stop when clarke said, "No. Leave it on. It's the only thing keeping him alive."

"Well, how can we treat the guy if we can't touch him?" Jackson asked Clarke.

"I can rig up some scrubbers in the airlock. Give me twenty minutes." Raven said before leaving.

"Damn it. I'm losing him. I need the blood now!" Abby shouted.

"Move," Jackson said as he moved passed someone to help Abby.

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