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6. The War Fog


It's been two days since the incident back at the village. I was currently standing in front of the bar, waiting for my drink. I watched as the bartender walked toward me with a bottle, filling a cup with moonshine. Instead of grabbing the cup, I grabbed the bottle, walking up to Bellamy and Clarke.

"Okay. Tell me again." I heard Bellamy say as I sat down next to them.

"Again?" I groaned.

Rolling her eyes, Clarke said, "It's a labyrinth. We got to the dam through this tunnel. It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."

"Sure, if we can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men. I swear to God, if your mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, I'm going by myself." Bellamy said.

"You won't be by yourself," I say, looking at my drink before looking up at Bellamy. "I'm going with you."

I look at Clarke, noticing how quiet she was being. Seeing her looking behind Bellamy, and I follow her stare.

"I guess the inquisition's over," Bellamy says, turning to look at Clarke. "How's Finn doing, anyway?"

"I haven't talked to him since we got back. I don't know what to say." She paused. "He just kept shooting."

"We're at war, Clarke. We've all done things." Bellamy said, and we all got quiet.

Images of dead bodies on the ground popped on my mind. I was brought back from my thoughts by the pain in my hand. I looked down to see that the bottle I was holding was broken, my hand bleeding.

"Shit. Now I have to go get another one." I say, taking the small shards of glass out of my hand, the cuts slowly healing.

Before I could get up, a voice was heard from behind me, the voice of a killer.

"Hey," Finn said, looking at me and Bellamy, then back at Clarke.

"Next round's on me," Bellamy says, getting up.

"I'll go with you," I said, following behind. "God, that was awkward."

"How do you feel about the whole Finn thing?"

"I don't know. I knew some of those people back in the village. They helped me when everyone else hunted me. I feel like I lost a friend," I say, looking over at Clarke and Finn, only to see that Murphy was there too.

"What are they saying?" Bellamy asked, and I shrug before listening in.

"You tell her we're cleared?" I heard Murphy say.

"No," Finn said.

"Well, looks like our pardon for surviving includes our time on the ground. Now bigger fish to fry, I guess." Murphy said.

"We did what we had to do," Finn said, before getting up. "I gotta go."

"That son of a bitch," I said, following after Finn.

"Aura? Aura!" Bellamy said, chasing after me. "Come on. Don't do anything stupid."

Once I'm close to Finn, I shout, "Hey, killer. Wait up."

"Aura," he says, turning to face me. "What do you want?"

As I get closer, I raise my fist, punching him in the face. "Next time you do something like that and act like you had to when you didn't, I won't hesitate to kill you."

Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now