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5. Camp Jaha


"Move, move, move." A guard says.

Multiple people were running around and shouting as they tried to get the gate open.

"Secure the perimeter. Teams of three. Hundred-yard buffer. Open the gate." I heard a woman yell.

All of a sudden there was a light in my face a woman standing in front of Clarke and I. I looked at Clarke to make sure she was okay.

"How many of you are there?" she said, turning around when I didn't answer. "Let's go."

"Gotta get her to medical. Move, move." I heard a voice say.

"Clarke! Are you okay?" I questioned her, only for her not to respond.

Once we went through the gates, people gathered around us.

"Who are they?"

"Are they here to kill us?"

"Why are they here?"

"Let me go before I bite your face off." I snarled at the guards who held me, only for them to ignore me.

Before I could say anything, I heard a familiar voice of someone I thought was dead.

"Wait." I looked up to see a ghost.

"Once the prisoners are secure." the blonde who walked us in said.

"She's not a prisoner." the voice said. "She's my daughter."

"Abby?" I was shocked. I thought she had died when the first ship exploded.

I watched as she lifted Clarke's face. "Clarke."



I was pacing back in fourth, waiting for someone to bring me, Clarke or Abby. I was currently locked in a room.

"Let me out! I want to see Clarke. Now!" I shouted.

"Shut up." the man guarding lockup snapped, banging on the door.

"Then get me what I want!" I snarled. "Trust me. If you don't, things will get ugly real quick."

"Is that a threat?"

"It's a promise."

"Enough." I heard a voice say. I looked to see Abby standing behind him, looking back at me. "You called for me."

"Yeah. I want to know why the hell I'm locked up. I helped the hundred when you sent them down to die. I helped them against the grounders." I exclaimed.

"I'm confused. Aren't you a grounder?" She asked me, walking closer to the door, her eyes narrowing.

"Trust me. I'm nothing of the sort." I say, rolling my eyes. "Where's Jaha? He'll know who I am. Maybe then I'll get a little respect!" As I say this, I looked at the guard who stood behind her. I watched as she looked down at the ground. "What?"

"Jaha didn't make it," she said, looking down at the ground.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"He stayed behind to make sure we got to earth," she replied.

"When are you going to let me go?" I questioned.

"When you answer a few questions." She says, and I sigh.

Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now