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7. The Grounder


We followed Bellamy, who was following the grounder. We have been walking for hours and we were getting nowhere. Or at least that's what I think before I catch a scent. Octavia. I look around trying to find Finn, seeing him and Jasper together.

"Hey, guys. I need your help." I say loud enough for only them to hear.

"Yeah, what's up?" Finn says, looking at Jasper, who nodded.

"I need you guys to cover for me," I say, looking around.

"What? Why?" Jasper asked.

"I caught a scent. I'm gonna go check it out." I say, trying to walk away from the group, but Finn grabs my arm.

"I don't think that's a good idea. Why don't you just lead us?"

"Cause it might be dangerous. You guys don't heal as quickly as I do. I'm fine. Plus I don't need your permission nor I care what you think. Now if you mind." I look at his hand, gesturing for him to let me go.

"Ok. Just..just be careful." Finn says, letting go of her arm.

"Thanks." I turn around and quickly but quietly slip away from the group.


After a few hours of walking, I finally make it to a cave. I walk in only to see Octavia chained up.

"Oh my god. Aura. I could just kiss you. Find a way to get these chains of me." She whispers, leaning a little to see if anyone else was there.

I start looking around the room until I heard Octavia gasp. I turn around to see a grounder. I growl, teeth bared and ready to tear him apart. There was a small glimpse of fear in his eyes, but then it was gone in an instant. Then the grounder did something I have never seen anyone do.

He put his weapon down, and got down on one knee and held his hand out to me. This stopped my growling and made me wonder. Is he backing down so I won't kill him?

I walked toward him slowly, in case he tried anything, sniffing every couple of seconds. When I was right in front of him he leaned in to pet me, but I flinched making him move slower.

"Yu laik nou a killer, yu laik a gona. (You are not a killer, you are a warrior.)" He spoke up in the language we both understood. I walked back a little and looked at Octavia, then back at the grounder. He went in to unchain Octavia until Octavia hit him in the head.

"Come on. Come on." She says as she tries to reach for the key to take the chain off. "Aura, a little help."

I turn to shift, but before I could, there were footsteps. More than one. I turn around and get ready to attack, when I see Bellamy Finn, Jasper, and a few others, and I stand down.

"Bellamy?" Octavia's voice sounds.

"Octavia," Bellamy breathes out in relief, quickly rushing to her side.

She quickly hands him a small key, gasping out, "Get the key."

He begins to unlock the chains that bound Octavia's hands together.

"Monroe, watch the entrance," Bellamy instructs.

Once the chains are off, Octavia quickly gets wrapped in Bellamy's arms, gasping out.

He strokes her hair, soothing, "It's okay. You're okay."

Octavia pulls away and looks at me then back at Bellamy.

She grins, asking, "How did you find me?"

"We followed him," he explains, nodding toward the grounder on the rock floor. He turned to me, slowly pulling out his gun.

"Bell, no! She helped me. Put the gun away." Octavia says, standing in between me and Bellamy, putting her hand on the gun.

Pulling away, Octavia states, "We should go. Now. Before he wakes up."

"He's not gonna wake up," Bellamy assures, walking over and grabbing a spear.

Octavia holds her arm out, pleading, "Bellamy, stop. He didn't hurt me. Let's just go."

Bellamy grips onto the spear tightly, looking down at the grounder.

"They started this," Bellamy states. "Finn, move."

Finn doesn't move, examining something on the grounder. I, noticing that Finn's running his fingers along the markings on a horn.

"Foghorn," he breathes out. "He's the one who blew it, he got the grounders to leave us." He turns her head in Bellamy's direction, ordering, "Bellamy, don't."

I look down at the grounder and see him slowly pull out a dagger. I jump towards him, only to get shot.
"Bellamy!" Octavia yells, running toward me.

I looked at the grounder to try and warn them, but of course, it was too late by then. The grounder was already up, taking a dagger and stabbing it into Finn's side.

Then everything went black.


It took a while to update but I did it, and I'm sorry that it took so long. What do you think will happen next? You'll have to wait and see. 😊😊

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