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4. Deceased


(Flashback starts)

"Run! It's getting closer were almost there!" stepmother yelled after running from the acid fog for a while.

"What about my dad?! We can't leave him! He could die!" I yelled back at my mother who sought the den that she found for us to live in, but also to hide. Even though she was Commander to the remaining people on earth, who survived the bombs caused by a creation my mom and her friend made years before I was born, she couldn't convince everyone to let me and my father in.

My name is Aura and I'm 8 years old. After the bombs, my dad discovered something. He wasn't his old normal self. He changed, and I don't mean his personality. He turns into a creature that has many names. A Werewolf. A Lycanthrope. And to my mother's people, the demon of the woods.

Ever since my mom, Becca Franco, and my dad left Polaris with me and the nightblood (and A.L.I.E. 2.0, aka the flame) my mom created, things happened. First, we found other people. Then, they attacked, burning my mother alive in the process. Then, me and my father on the run. After a while, we started to change and so did Earth. Goodbye Nuclear Apocalypse. Five years later My father fell in love again and when her people found out who and what we were they cast her out and have been trying to kill us ever since. And now we are running from acid fog made by the people in Mount Weather.

"He'll be fine! Come on! There it is!" She yelled running faster, pulling me with her.

Once we got in the den we waited for my dad, who never showed. After a few hours of my mom acting like she was ok for me, but in reality, I knew she was freaking out.

"Grace?" I said grabbing her arm. "Calm down. He probably found another cave or den to hide in until the fog is over."

"The fog is gone. Let's go." She said, walking out the den.

(Flashback ends)


I walk out the dropship, only to find Clarke walking towards Murphy. A Lot has happened. Jasper is much better, even though he's still scared to leave camp. A guy, who was actually nice to me the whole time I was there, named Wells was found dead this morning. Everyone thinks that it was the grounders, but I don't think so.

"Hey, Miller. What's going on?" I say

"I don't know, but Clarke looks pissed, which means Murphy's about to get his ass handed to him," Miller said, a small chuckle slipping off his lips.

I glance at Miller, shrugging on my jacket. It was a bit chilly, and my thin tank top wasn't doing anything to keep out the small puffs of wind filtering through camp.

"I'm going to go watch. You coming, Miller?" I ask Miller.

"Yeah, sure. Let's go."

"Great," I say walking towards Clarke and Murphy.

As soon as we got closer, I knew there was nothing funny about this argument. Clarke was holding up a knife. I recognized it. It was the one Murphy had been using to practice the day before, the one Bellamy had given to Charlotte during the hunting trip. I glanced at Clarke in question.

"That's my knife," Murphy said, reaching for it while only sounding mildly pissed off. "Where'd you find that?" Clarke yanked it back away from his hand.

Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now