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7. Long into an Abyss


"Where are you going?" I ask Bellamy as I watch him open the hatch to go down.

"I'm going to get Clarke," he said, going down the ladder.

"Wait, hold on," I say, following him down the ladder, shutting the hatch door. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about Octavia," he said as we walked out of the dropship. "Watch her, please. She might act like she's fine, but she's-"

"Bellamy. It's okay. I'll watch her. Just be careful." I say as Bellamy nods, turning to walk away before he can get far I add, "And Bellamy. Hurry."


I turn at the sound of the door hatch open, seeing Clarke coming up. Before I could say anything, my attention was brought by a growl behind me, turning to see Lincoln lunging toward us.

"It's okay. It's okay. He's been restrained." Bellamy tried to reassure Clarke, who seemed super scared.

"I can't believe we're back here again," Clarke said.

"We'll last time it was for unnecessary torture. Now it's to help him." I said, looking at Bellamy as I said this before looking at Lincoln, who kept pulling on the restraints.

"Can you help him?" Octavia questioned.

"I don't know," Clarke said, taking a few steps forward to get a closer look. "I knew Mount Weather controlled the Reapers. I had no idea they were creating them."

"If they can do that to Lincoln, what're they doing to our friends?" Bellamy asked.

"Whatever it is. It's not good." I replied, turning to look at Lincoln, who just growled at us and pulled his restraints.

After ten minutes of just sitting and listening to Lincoln hissing and such, I lay down on the dropship floor, taking a small nap. Before I can fall into a deep sleep, I hear Lincoln slowly stop screaming then it was silent. I open my eyes, only to see that he was slightly shaking, and there was foam filling his mouth.

"Clarke. What's happening?" I say, getting up quickly.

"He's convulsing," Clarke said.

"So, what does it mean?" Octavia asked Clarke.

After a moment of silence, I see Clarke skimming his body, her eyes dropping to his leg before she asks, "What happened to his leg?"

"I shot him," Octavia said, her face hardening.

"Clarke, he's lost a lot of blood," Bellamy said, and Clarke turned to face Lincoln before taking a few steps only to be growled at by him.

"Can you shine the light on his neck?" Clarke questioned, the Blake's doing as she said. "Needle marks."

"You think he's being drugged?" Bellamy asked her.

"Maybe?" Clarke responded.

I look at the chains leading to the wall only to see that it's about to snap.

"Clarke. Get away from-"

I get interrupted by Lincoln rips free from his chains, tearing them right out of the wall. He goes and grabs Clarke, pulling her into. Octavia runs forward to stop him, dropping her flashlight to the ground.

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