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4. Happy Returns


"Anya, we've been walking for hours. Where are we going?" Clarke questioned, as Anya pulled us through the woods. "Why not just kill me and get it over with?"

Even though I took off the rope around my wrists hours ago, I still followed quietly. I wanted to know who the new commander was. I knew there was a new commander I just didn't know how to find out without there being blood.

"You can tell the commander what the Mountain Men are doing to us there," Anya answered.

"So let's work together. We don't have to be enemies." Clarke said as she stopped walking, causing Anya to turn to face us.

"And unite with someone as weak as you?" Anya said, looking at me. "I don't know how you lived with these people without killing them."

"Honestly, neither do I." I sighed.

"I have what I need," Anya says.

"Hey," Clarke said, stopping Anya once again. "We both want the same thing."

I turn to the sound of rustling, only to see nothing.

"Guys, something's not right," I say.

"What do you mean?" Anya asked me.

"Watch out!" I shout, pushing them down as a dart came in our direction, hitting the tree behind us.

"They found us," Clarke said as men began shouting.

"Run," Anya said, and we started running.


"Quiet. You can't even walk in the woods." Anya told Clarke.

"If I'm such a burden, then cut me loose," Clarke responded.

"Will the both of you shut the hell up?" I snapped, leading the way.

"Heavy footfalls, broken branches, you even smell like them," Anya said, pulling Clarke up a hill.

"Anya, shut up." I snap, crouching when we got to the top of the hill. We watched as the Mountain men walked in the wrong direction, turning around to walk the opposite way. We continued walking until we saw a small pond, and I grimaced at the smell.

"Down," Anya said, squatting right next to the pond, before quickly stopping Clarke from drinking the water. "No. Not to drink."

"Then, why stop? We should be running." Clarke says.

Anya picks up some mud, putting it in Clarke's face before saying, "You reek. Cover yourself in it."

"Let's move," Anya says, getting up. I watch as Anya starts walking away from us.

"Okay, here's the plan. When I give the signal, you're going to hit her with the tranquilizer dart." I said.

"I don't have a tranquilizer." she lied.

"Don't play stupid. I saw you take the tranquilizer back there." I say, rolling my eyes, before looking behind me to see Anya waiting for us. "C'mon. We gotta go."

After a while of walking and hiding from the mountain men who still seem to be following us, we stopped. We crouched watching the mountain men, who were just down the hill from where we stood.

"How are they still following us?" Clarke questioned.

Anya looks at Clarke, before saying, "Because of you. Time to end this."

Wolfblood // Bellamy Blake [1]Where stories live. Discover now