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9. Day Trip


I stepped outside the next morning, the campsite was completely trashed. Tents were scattered everywhere, collapsed, and even some trees had fallen upon the site. I let out a sigh, looking at the mess created by the storm last night. It was going to take a lot of work to clean up.

I felt sick this morning after I saw how far the 100 went to get the antidote from the grounder, I felt disgusted. I took a few steps out of the dropship, the air still cool and slightly damp from the night before, but it wasn't as cold as last night.

Bellamy, who was already barking orders to work on cleaning the camp, looking up when I stepped out.

"We'll get cleaned up," he assures, and I nodded softly.

I sigh, breathing out, "If only this was our only problem to worry about."

I continued walking, stiffening when I felt his hand grab mine, pulling me back so I would turn around.

"Aura," he begins, slowly pulling his hand away from mine, "who we are, and what we need to be to survive are very different things." I nod softly, trying to believe him. I was disgusted by his actions from last night. I look into his brown eyes before looking back over toward the dropship.

"What are we going to do about him?" I ask, knowing that they have to do something about him at some point. I shrug, mumbling, "You can't keep him locked up forever."

He sighs, stating, "If we let him go, he'll be back, and not alone next time."

I nod, looking down, knowing that whatever we ended up doing won't be pretty.

"Aura, are we gonna talk about what happened at the cave?" he said, leaning down to meet my eyes.

"What's there to talk about? You saw my true form. A monster. The creature of death. The Beast. I'm a werewolf. There isn't much to talk about if you ask me." I said, looking anywhere but at Bellamy.

"Your none of those things. I just can't believe that you're the wolf I've been trying to kill since we got here," he said, a smile growing on my face.

"Please. As if you could kill me." I said, punching his shoulder.


"Hey, Aura," Clarke's voice sounds, I look up from the spot that I was clearing branches from the falling trees.

"Clarke, what's up?" I ask, noticing that she had just exited the tent where their communication system is. "Kane gave me a set of coordinates just a few moments ago for a shelter that was made to stand up to nuclear warfare. Apparently, there are supplies there as well as a possible place for us to stay by the time winter rolls around."

"Yeah, what about it?" I ask, looking at the coordinates Clarke had written down. "You going to check it out later."

"Actually, no," Clarke sighs. "You're going to."

"Me?" I ask, the look of confusion on my face. "How come you're not going?"

"There's a lot to do around here after the storm and I - I still have to make sure Finn's okay - "     I noticed how Clarke's face softened the moment she said Finn's name, that I decided to quickly cut her off. "No, don't worry about it. I'll go check it out."

Clarke smiles at me, giving a small, "Thanks."

Clarke was gone a moment later, calling for someone named Dax to go to the communications system. The teenagers here have been taking their turns in line to speak to their parents.

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