Chapter 24: I'm Back

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Back to Y/N's POV

All of you have missed me huh..

Well anyway, I'm back. There are still mysteries that I haven't found out yet, but I can tell you the truth of what really happened to me..

Flashback of what happened to Y/N

After running away from the others crying due to my hallucinations, When I suddenly heard the laughing and it turned out to be Mephiles.. during that time, I met Mephiles for the first time and was in a form of Shadow's clone. When he finally introduced me, a huge dark hammer appeared in front of us.

I still remembered screaming my lungs out when I realized what was about to happen, not knowing whether I was hallucinating or not. If this was part of my mind, it would actually be one hell of a strong hallucination. The hammer hit my head very hard, that before I completely blacked out, I could hear crunching into my head that I thought I was actually going to die once again.

But I didn't

After waking up, I found myself in a cell, everything was dark and it felt so hot.

Shut up I know what you're thinking, I mean the temperature! Don't think anything dirty in your head.

The bars were black and rusty, my cell was almost so tiny that the bars were only 3 meters away from me. There was nothing else at all with me, however, my head ached so much and I was still surprised that I was still alive. But I was so trembled to even get up, even though it was hot in here, I still kept shaking like it was very cold. I got very traumatized from what just happened, I didn't even bother trying to get up because I remembered that no one would bother to help me,

I thought and felt so useless.. I wondered if, would anyone's lives be easier and happy without me? That was what kept going through my head. I looked at my powered boots, they aren't damaged, but I could feel that there isn't any energy at all, Mephiles must have sucked all the power out of it so that I won't try escaping. Even after trying to power them up so I can gain energy to fight, it still didn't work, it was as if they were turned into normal non-living shoes.

I tried getting up, but I always fell back lying onto the floor again because of my whole shaking body due to feeling in shock. Suddenly, the demon arrived, I remembered her, she was actually the one I hallucinated when I tried saving the villagers during the battle, her name was Riley.

"Wow look at you, you're finally up huh.. you've been out for 3 days straight."

I looked at her with my eyes widened, I couldn't believe I was really out that long.

"Hmph.. surprised? Well you better trying gathering at least enough strength to talk, Mephiles soon wants a word with you. And don't even think of escaping out of here, Mephiles drained all of the energy including your stupid boots out of you. Heh actually, even if you'll escape, I doubt your other rodent friends would even need you with them, so I'll say it's useless."

I thought she was right honestly, and I managed to try speaking,

"W-w-what do you want from me.."

"You will know once Mephiles will have a word with you. Actually he mentioned that once you're awake, you should meet him now. And I'll be the one to bring you in case you will do anything reckless."

She opened the cell door and tied my hands with strong chains after dragging me up from the ground, making me stood up on my shaky legs, I still couldn't keep calm no matter what.

While we walked, I saw so many things in flames, Riley kept pushing me to make me go faster until we arrived where he was. I got more trembled when finally managed to see his true form..

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