chapter 16 - positive ? !

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a/n : long ass chapter.
it kinda sucks lol whoops

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1858 words
january 8th, 2019

-cici x
"I don't ever mind sharing oxygen
I just wanna get lost in your lungs
Just a baby, but she's growing up
so fast
And I'm allergic to the waiting
She's just a baby girl
And I love to watch her dance
But it's making me go crazy"
millie's pov

the early morning sunlight sept through the white curtains and hit my face softly.

i squinted and tightly closed my burning, tired eyes.

whatever, i was awake now.

thoughts from that night, three evenings ago entered my mind.

i was so reckless that night.

but then again, i don't regret any of it.

rolling on my stomach to get a better angle, i hovered slightly over finn and started playing with his hair, causing him to stir slightly.

today was my finn's birthday.

i started planting small kisses on his cheek, trailing down his jawbone.

my fingers traced little shapes onto his bare shoulder.

the movement was subtle, so finn's eyes opened slightly and he grinned, looking up at me.

without warning, he grabbed my hips and flipped me over so he was over me.


"hey, doll."

"happy birthday, old man."

i mocked the boy's new age of adulthood.

"hush, child. do not test daddy."

finn smirked, putting a finger to my lips.

i gasped and slapped his bare chest while laughing.

"finnequa, that's vile. don't ever use that word again, do you hear me?"

my arms crossed over my chest and i huffed a breath of air on his cheek.

"yes, mami."

"dickhard, shut up!!"

finn grabbed my hands and held them behind my head before i could slap him.

"sooo... whatcha wanna do today, finnie?"

"mm, I have a few plans."

"what are they?"

"you'll have to wait and see, shortcake."

"shut up, finn. let's go wake maddie and jae up."

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