Chapter thirty eight

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''She left you a letter?'' Lizzy asks as I take my books.

''Yeah, I was stunned as well. She came back that day knowing exactly what she would do.'' I try a small smile, ''It's weird but I'd like to talk to her, know all her motives, I have so many questions.''

''Of course, you have.''

''Oh look, the queen of the sluts.'' I look around knowing already who it is.

''What do you want Darius?'' Lizzy snaps.

''Just wondering how it works now. Do I have to pay you to have some fun?'' He winks and I want to gag. Some boys laugh at my expense.

''Just leave her be.'' Lizzy tries again but he pines me against the locker, his face inches from mine. Had I really ever felt bad about ditching him?

''If I knew how easy you were, I would have taken advantage.''  

''Are you really saying you'd take advantage of a girl?'' I ask disgusted.

''It's not taking advantage when a girl opens her legs for a simple I love you.'' 

Before I can say anything, he is off of me. I look up to see Cameron throw him against the locker.

''Watch your mouth around her.'' He threatens.

''Or what? It's not as if she gives a shit about you, this heartless-'' Cameron knocks him out before he can end his sentence.

''Cameron!'' I yell and run forward to see Darius laying unconscious.

''You shouldn't let him say those things about you.'' He tells me softly.

''Why do you care?'' I snap and I see that a lot of people stopped to watch the scene, ''Maybe I deserved it.'' I add quietly.

''Like Hell you deserved it, you're certainly not a slut and him saying he'd like to take advantage of you is horrifying.'' He snaps back.

''Can't you just leave me be?'' I demand, hurt filling me. ''Can't you see that I want you as far away from me as I can?''

''Look Lexa I-''

''I don't need your assistance,'' I state.

''I'm sorry for everything, I promise that I am. I wish you would just see-''

''Stop, I'm not doing this right now.'' I look around at the people watching us.

''Leave, the show's over!'' I hear Ayden yell behind me and I turn around in time to see him waving people off.

''Can you just hear me out?'' Cameron pleads.

''I'm not ready for this,'' I tell him truthfully. After two months I still can't face him. I bet in two years I'll still have trouble.

''When will you?'' He looks pleadingly at me and my heart throbs as I just want to return to that morning when I was laying in his arms. But this was all just part of the Game.

''When you had sex with me, was it just because you thought it would be easier for me to say those words?''

''Wait, what?'' I hear Ayden say behind but I ignore him because right now all my attention is on Cameron.

''No, of course not.'' He whispers and for a moment I want to believe him.

''Well, it feels like it.''

I gulp down before turning around. Lizzy gives me an apologetic smile.

''You slept with him?'' Ayden asks again, and hurt fills his face.

''Really? You're going to make me feel bad?'' I ask in pure anger. ''You haven't been there Ayden, you freaking left me when you said you'd never do that at my sister's funeral!'' I yell at him. ''What were you expecting? You wanted me to fill you in about my life every time something happened? You weren't there so I don't see why I should feel guilty about something I wanted to do.''

He almost takes a step back, ''I was there every single night, every single time you kissed a guy, every single time you left me on the sidelines to do something you thought was more worth than being with me.'' A mix of anger, hurt, pain, and sadness burn in his eyes, ''Only to be left alone at the end because you preferred playing the Game for revenge.''

''You don't know the half of it.'' I retort and start walking away.

''You think I don't? Stacy felt like family to me as well! We grew up together, don't you remember? She was like my sister but you had to be dramatic as always and put your needs first.''

I stop dead and turn back to see him. In the background I can see Lizzy, Jake, and Cameron still listening, ''You're calling me selfish, is that what's happening?''

''You're right, you are selfish. And dramatic. And mean. I'm tired of dealing with all this like I'm nothing to you when I tried to be your best friend.''

Tears prickle in the corner of my eyes, ''You stopped dealing with all this for a while now. You can simply follow the path you've already taken. Stay away from me.''

''Goes right back at you.'' He snaps.

With that, he walks off and I stand there staring at the floor. Someone puts a hand on my shoulder, ''Come on, let's get to class.'' Lizzy tells me and without looking up, I nod and follow her.

I hear in the distance screaming as a teacher finds Darius' body still laying on the ground.

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