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"Otto I can't wear this." I said looking st the skin tight black sleeveless athletic shirt I had on.

"Yeah your right, white would look better."

"No Otto! I can't wear this! This isn't me!"

"John you own this shirt. I've watched you wear it a million times."

"Yeah but..."

"It's not like your being someone different. Your just actually being you. Not the fake you that you've been for the past year." I smiled at him.

"I guess." I said and he nodded. I kept the black one on because I didn't feel like changing. We both drove to practice in our own cars. I got out and out my sunglasses on. I grabbed my stuff and walked in. I put my stuff up and took my glasses off. I walked out and started to shoot around. "Wait! Is this just a shoot around?" I asked no one in particular.

"Yeah." Bradley said from behind me.

"I'm so stupid." I said turning around. He slowly nodded. "You think I'm stupid!" I said joking.

"What? I'm sorry what did you say?"

"Nothing." I said smiling at him. "Hey, I'm not gonna be here long, you wanna go do something afterwards?"

"Yeah sure." He said. We practiced for a while then we both decided to leave.

"Hey let me change real fast." I said and he nodded. I changed into his favorite hoodie I owned and jeans.

"I like that..."

"Oh. Yeah you do I forgot." I said smiling at him. "You used to tell me that ever time I wore it."

"Yeah." He said smiling. "Well you um wanna go?"

"Um Yeah." I said and we got in my car. We were laughing and singing to the radio when the song ended and a piano played. I turned the radio off. He frowned and turned it on. "Dirty tissues, trust issues, glasses in the sink they didn't fix you." I whispered to myself.

"Lonely pillows in a strangers bed, little voices in my head." He hummed.

I sighed. "Secret keeping stop the bleeding, lost a little weight because I was t eating." I went to say the next line but I couldn't. That's all I did anymore. My eyes started to water.

"Loving you was young and wild and free
Loving you was cool and hot and sweet
Loving you was sunshine safe and sound
A steady place to let down my defenses
But loving you have consequences." She sang.

"Hesitation, awkward conversations
Running low on expectations
Every siren I was ignoring
Now I'm paying for it." I said and I tapped the steering wheel.

"Loving you was dumb
And dark and cheap
Loving you still takes shot at me
Loving you was sunshine but then it poured
And I lost so much more than my sense
Cause loving you had consequences." We both said. The song went off and it went silent. We stopped at a light and he pulled my arm over to him. He went to pull my sleeve up and I jerked my arm out of his hand.

"What are you doing?!" I snapped.

"I just wanna make sure your ok."

"I'm fine Bradley, I've gotten over us ok." I snapped and he nodded.

"Ok." He said. "You didn't forget about us thought right." I didn't say anything. "John." He said. To be honest I don't remember much at all of anything anymore. I can't remember what i did yesterday. I tell myself I'm over him but I know I'm not. He ruined my life, but if he ruined my life why can't I get over him?

"Where were we even going?" I asked him.

"I don't know." He said and I sighed.

"Your hairs a little longer
Your Arms Just a Little stronger
Your eyes, just as I remember
Your smile a little softer." I whispered.
"Cause after all thi...these years.
I still feel everything when you are near
And now it's just a quick hello and you have to go
And you probably will never know
Your still the one im after all these years." I whispered to myself. He cleared his throat. My eyes started to water up again. I turned the radio off. "I hate Camila, I never listen to her anyways." I muttered.

"You used to always listen to her."

"Times have changed Bradley." I snapped and he nodded.

"John can we talk like have a serious conversation."

"Yeah." I said.

"I wanna tell you now so you know."

"Ok what?"

"In the next month or so I'm gonna marry her."

"What?" I whispered. "Ok." I said louder. "If she makes you happy then I'm the happiest man alive Bradley." He started to cry.

"Stop John! Why do you always have to make things this way? I love her and you know it. I'm so happy with her, she's everything Ive ever wanted." It went silent when he said that.

"I know." I said trying not to think about that I wasn't what he had ever wanted. I turned the radio up. I listened to the radio. I don't know if he was talking or not. Shit i don't even know Where were going right now. I stopped at a light and pulled out my phone. I plugged in directions to my house. "You want me to drop you off at your house?" I asked and he shrugged. "I think we were gonna go eat but I forgot where so." I said and he nodded. The drive home was silent. "Baby I'm home." I whispered. I said it every day. It's like that thing you get in a habit of doing and you can't get rid of it. I glanced st the stairs. He would always come down the stairs. I heard Bradley take an unsteady breath in. I went and sat down. We didn't say anything for a long time. "I don't mean this in a sob way, i mean this from the bottom of my heart Bradley. I hope that she's everything you've ever wanted and that y'all have the best life anyone could ever imagine. I want y'all to be happy it'll make me happier. I hope you get married, you play with her, you win with her, and you grow old with her by your side." I said and he looked away.

"Never say that." He said. "That was ours. Never give it to someone else." He looked up at me and his eyes were watery. "Goodbye is always so hard." He whispered.

"Your not leave me." I said and I chuckled. "You already have." He nodded.

"I know but John when you get married you can't marry two people. That's illegal." He stopped and tears started to roll down his face. "I'm gonna marry her John, and right now I'm technically still married to you." I looked away and shook my head no. I knew what he was about to do. "John look at me." He said. "If I knew we could work I would get back with you I swear." He said. "But I just don't think we can." He took a deep breath in. "I want you to keep this and remember what we had. Never loose it John. It'll remind you of us. I still love you John." He cried. "But I love you to much." He sniffled. "I guess we just aren't meant to be." He said. His face broke. "I guess this is the end." He whispered. "Remember I love you John and I always will. I love you enough to let you go. To let you be happy. That's love John. And I hope you love me like that. Remember that John, and please don't do anything to yourself. Cause I'd die if you weren't in my life. I would." He said as more tears streamed down his face. "I love you John, but we're not together anymore, so I can't wear this anymore." He said and he slid his ring off and placed it in my hand. My whole world came crashing down. I dropped the ring and stared at nothing. I stood up and walked upstairs. I laid in my bed and stared at the ceiling as tears fell down my face. I didn't care he was here. I just wanted to be alone. I pulled out my phone and scrolled way down on my Instagram and looked at photos of us. "But I married you Bradley, please come back to me." I whispered. "Please turn back into the Bradley I know."

Betrayal {Fifth book of Bad At Love series} still fixing cover sryWhere stories live. Discover now