The Truth

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"John!" Otto yelled and I turned around laughing.

"What?" I said taking a long sip out of my drink.

"Come here." He said and I got up and walked over. We talked for a while. I was laughing with him when I felt someone's arms wrap around me from behind.

"Why B." I said by looking at the arms that hugged me. He laughed and let go. We talked for a while.

"Well look who it is." A familiar voice said and I shuttered at the sound of it.

"Hey Ashley." I grumbled. Otto glanced between me Bradley and Ashley. I nodded for him to leave and he got up and left. She took his chair.

"Today marks two years, I guess y'all won." She said and I looked away.

"Lie." I whispered to Bradley.

"Wait y'all did make it didn't y'all." She said. "Wait Bradley that's a different ring on your finger isn't it." She said smirking. "I guess I won after all."

"Ok you won a little life game what about it."

"You know what's gonna happen John." She said winking at me. "You act like you don't know what we've done since y'all broke up." Bradley glanced at me and I nodded no. "Don't y'all Bradley no, you have the right to move on also. He's moved on from you John. He's found someone better for him in his life. He's found someone he loves." My eyes watered up listening to her talk. "So why can't you find someone you love?" She looked at me. "Huh John? Why can't you?" I went to say something but nothing came out. "Oh I'm so sorry for upsetting you. I'm sorry I thought you were in Bradley wedding. I thought you two were best friends, the grooms best friend is supposed to be the best man." I didn't say anything. "You weren't, oh I'm so sorry John. At least you had a part in the wedding right?" She sat there with an evil smirk on her face. "Wait he didn't even want you to be in the wedding?! That's horrible! I guess he never even liked you as a friend then. I guess he really did want you out of his life for good no wonder he got someone pregnant. He wanted a family John and he knew he'd never get one with you. He wanted an actually life and I guess he figured he'd never get that with you. He wanted to be happy John, that's all Bradley wanted was to be happy. That's not much to ask for is it? I guess you failed John. You couldn't make Bradley happy. I guess you couldn't make him feel loved." She said and a tear fell down my cheek. "Don't cry that was a year and a half ago." I nodded as my whole body shook thinking about the words she just said. It wasn't much to ask for she's right, and I did fail. I couldn't make him happy and I couldn't make him feel loved. Tears fell down my face. My face was in my hands.

"Get the fuck away from him and me and anyone on this vacation with us." Bradley said. She laughed.

"Bradley don't act like you care now. You didn't care two years ago when you cheated on him multiple times. You just accidentally got that girl pregnant and you had to marry her I guess. I saw you kissing girls at clubs. Don't lie to him Bradley he deserves to be told the truth look at him he's devastated."

"Don't throw me into this." He growled. "Never throw me and my wife into something from the last."

"But Bradley he deserves to know the truth. He needs to know it wasn't all his fault."

"Well what if it was! What if it was all fucking John Walls fault! He's the one who didn't make me happy!" He snapped. I stopped crying. It's like I couldn't cry. I honestly didn't wanna cry. It's like I finally knew what I did wrong. It hurt me, but it hurt me for him. I didn't wanna cry, I just wanted to be left alone. I got up and walked away. "No John!" He yelled. I walked into the hotel. It's like seeing people again made me wanna cry. It made me wanna turn back into a little kid and cry in my moms arms.

"I'm the reason we broke up." I whispered to myself as I walked into my room. "I didn't make him happy." I cried. "But that's all I ever tried to do! How much more did I need to try!" I yelled and I threw my phone across the room. I cried on my bed for a long time. I needed to cry. I needed to let all the emotions of this week out. "I want what we had back!" I cried. "I want him back. He didn't wanna break up with me back then why did I force him to leave?!" I sobbed.

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