I Hate You

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I tried to move on. I did everything i could. I was out on the town with Otto laughing. Today was by far the best day I've had in a while. We were just walking around and stuff. "Go impress him." Otto muttered and I saw Bradley. Something washed over me. I walked up to a group of girls close to him.

"What's up ladies. What are y'all doing out here on your own?" They all laughed and smiled. I started to flirt with them. I felt his eyes on me even though I wasn't looking at him. I laughed at what one of them said. "Hey well I've gotta get going I hope to see y'all later." I said and they nodded. I walked into the stoke he was in and walked right past him. I saw him paying and I walked up behind him. "Actually we're together." I said and she nodded and canceled the transaction and scanned my stuff. I stepped in front of Bradley and payed. "I'd love to pay for the wedding." I said walking out.

"John Stop."

"Stop what? Damn Bradley im the best I've ever been in my whole life. I just wanna help a teammate."

"Teammate." He whispered. I smiled at him.

"I'm just kidding you'll never just be my teammate." I said and as I said that I slid his ring back in his pocket. I kept it with me everywhere I went but I think it needed to go back to its original owner. We ended up talking and laughing for a while. I sighed and lifted my shirt up to wipe my face. I looked at him and he bit his lip. "Hey I've gotta go." I said and he nodded and tried to slide his phone in his pocket. I walked away.

"Wait John."

"Keep it, it's yours." I said and he nodded. I walked back up to Otto. "Thanks for waiting that was a while."

"How did it go?"

"Ok. We talked and stuff I gave him something of his back." I got a text from Bradley. I looked at it. It was a picture of his hand.

I'm not married to her yet...

I nodded to myself. I got him thinking again about us.
I walked I to practice smiling from ear to ear. Even though I couldn't practice I decided to watch. I was on my phone when Bradley yelled. "Shit!" He yelled and I looked up. He ran off and I jumped up. I followed him and  he went in to the bathroom. I walked in and he gasped. "John What are you doing in here?" He asked.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I I I'm fine you don't have to stay and worry about me." He said shoving his arms in his pockets. I frowned. I sat down on a bench.

"I'm not living till you leave." He sighed.

"Fine." He muttered and he pulled his arm out and it was covered in blood. I gasped.

"Bradley!" I said. "What?! Why?!"

"You wouldn't understand." He said. I pulled him in top my lap.

"I'll always understand. What is going on?" I asked him. He kissed me and I froze. I didn't know how to react. I didn't know got to kiss him back. "This is wrong Bradley. I can't cheat on your wife."

"Just once John. Just one kiss please." He said looking into my eyes. I nodded no.

"I can't kiss you Bradley." I said looking away.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I'll fall back into where I was before." He nodded and stood up. I pulled him back against me. "But you still never told me why you did that." He tried to talk.

"Us." He whispered. "Your just so fucking Unobservant That you didn't notice over been doing this for the past year!" He snapped and my face fell.

"Your so stupid Bradley!" I yelled and his face fell. "I didn't mean it that way Bradley I'm sorry." I said and he laughed.

"It's ok! You obviously have moved on from us John!" He snapped.

"So have you, your gonna fucking get married!" I yelled. "That's moving on to me." We yelled and bickered for a long time. We got closer and closer together.

"I'm glad we broke up John! Cause I can't stand your whining complaining ass. You were never anything I wanted!" He snapped and I stopped.

"I hate you!" I yelled while I fought back tears. I walked out.

"No John!" He cried running after me. "I didn't mean it!"

"Shut up Bradley!" I yelled and I walked away. I didn't know what to do. I sat in my car. I must have spent a few hours in my car because practice got out. The only thing is Bradley didn't walk out. Something washed over me and j stood up and walked inside. "Bradley!" I yelled. He didn't reply. "Broadly!" I yelled again. "Bradley this isn't funny!" I yelled. I looked everywhere. "Bradley please come here I'm sorry I don't hate you." I sighed. I noticed the tears running down my face. I walked into the bathroom. "Brad?" I whispered. He sat there staring at nothing on the ground. He nodded and I sighed and sat down on the floor in front of him. I moved my foot and I slid across the floor. I glanced down, "Bradley!" I screamed.

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