My First Kiss

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400 Readers ... thank you so much guys .. i really appreciate that . Have i tell you that I PURPLE YOU 💜 💜 💜  ALL ... okay now back to the story.


In thoughts
What is this ? Why i closed my eyes ?
What is this soft sweet taste on my lips? Why my stomach feels tingle ?
What is happening here? Why i dont want this feeling to stop ? It strange my head is getting heavy . This is so new .AM I REALLY BEING KISSED BY TAE . IS THIS HOW A KISS REALLY FEELS LIKE . Oh i love how he licks my bottom lips .. noo ewww why is he licking my bottom lips . I like the way his lips are moving . No~~~~ stop
Push him Y/n hurry .

*So our plan was working perfectly. It was a ridiculous plan to get Tae drunk and take his pic with y/n .. because we both know Tae will never allow this to happen if he stays conscious . So jimin shii basically changed Tae's soft drink with something strong . He got out of control as always but jimin manage to take care of him but as soon as chim saw y/n coming our way he loosed his grip and ~chu~ Tae was kissing her .. i dont think its her first time kissing him like she does look little surprised but still not pushing him away . I looked to my side and saw chim smirking. While holding his phone out and taking pics* .

Hey you got what you needed??

Oh trust me i got quite a shot..

You do know Tae will kill us if he found out about what we are doing ..

Oh cmon kookie he lied to us .. its nothing compared to that.

What are you going to do with this pictures.

You just wait and watch .

*Our attention was diverted when we heard sara *..

Sara : move you jerk *pushing Tae away from y/n*

Chim: let me help you.*he said before holding Tae again* i am so sorry he is always like this when he is drunk ..

Kookie: we are so very sorry . Are you alright y/n. But i think it doesn't matter like .. you guys are in relationship so its common. Right ~~~~ y/n!!!! Y/n!!!

*The sweet sensation on my lips before is gone i want more but my head feel so light headed .. i am feeling dizzy
I-its S-so werid out*

*i catched her before she fell to the ground . Kookie also helped me catching her . How can someone faint just with a small kiss . Ah this girl is so werid.* 

Okay i think i should take her home *i said after Y/N was awake.*

Kookie: let me drop you guys .

No its okay just call a cab please

Chim : its fine * said while ruffling tae's hair slowly because he is finally  sleeping soundly on his lap*

No you guys should stay with Tae as he dont look good ..

Kookie: Are you sure ?!? Its just Tae who don't look good.* pointed at y/n . Who was sitting like a lost puppy. Actually this is also a reason why she is still single. She pretends like she is so strong but i know boys make her super nervous. *

Chim: i insist let kookie bring you guys home please .

Okay fine * with that i hold my pupp-- i mean y/n hand and we went outside the club*

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