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Taehyung pov:
"I hate you" that's all she said before hanging up the phone . I thought she forgave me but she actually thought it was just a dream. 'why she have to be this innocent why is she playing with my heart like that. Ughhhhh . The worst part is she doesn't even know how she makes me feel'. I closed my eyes for few minutes. I know what to do. I looked at my phone which  i was still holding to and started searching a specific contact and after seeing that contact i quickly dial it .

Calling Sara~~~~~

(Bold : Tae
Italic : sara)

"Hello sorry to bother you this late"

"Its fine. What's the matter?"

"Can we meet tomorrow?"

" Why so suddenly?"

"Hey i not a bit interested in spending my weekend with you . I just want to discuss how we are going to clear thing to Y/N" i rolled my eyes which she can possibly not see.

"For a help seeker you got pretty big attitude. You do remember that you have to prove things to me first" ah that stupid thing she asked me do .

"Yeah i do . Just meet me tomorrow at 12:pm at sunshine cafe."

"Okay but--" i hang up she talks so much.

With that i place my phone on the nightstand. Change my clothes and went straight to sleep . 'This is the first time i really felt something for someone i am not going to loose her that's for sure' i motivated my self and slowly began to drift off.

Next morning:
Y/N pov:

I wokeup with sound of my phone. Ringing loudly on my nightstand. I stretched my arm to pick it up from the nightstand *yawn* "hello" .

"At least cover your phone. Before opening your Hippo like mouth".

"Excuse me . Did you see the time . Its 10:am. I am suppose to open my mouth as a hippo. Have some Courtesy and stop destroying people sleep"  i shouted almost .

" Since when we are this close . That you almost shout at me. Try to be formal with me at Least for now . Now wake your sleepy bum up and come down i am waiting" he said

"Yah like you're talking to me formally calling me hippo and sleepy bum . And secondly its 10am its too early to even go anywhere"

"Come down or I'll come up"
Yeah right as if my mom is going to let a stranger in my bedroom. She won't right ? Yeah of course.

"I dare you to come . Bye now" i hangup the call and snuggle my blanket more completely dipping myself in turning myself in a burrito .

"Are you going to wake up now . I cleared your dare" i am hearing things he can never enter my room right we just met yesterday. We not even friends yet.i am hearing thing . With that i removed my blanket from me put it on side so i can hug it like a body pillow. 'ah so comfortable' i thought.

"Okay i like your PJ's especially the MEOW shorts.they are a complete turn on "

they are a complete turn on "

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