All's well that Ends well

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Surprise Update Yaay . Hope you don't get bore.  Its the last chapter T-T

( Its the day you send Taehyung home when he got so drunk)

"PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE" he said crying.

Third Pov:
You slowly turn only to see Taehyung sitting on his bed. Eyes half open. Is he crying you thought.

"Tae are you alright?" You asked slowly reaching him. He looked at you and speak again .

" I-i * hic* was born in a very *hic* family.  All the cars , many *hic*  expensive gifts ,*hic* a really big house * hic* , and parents who i hardly see *hic* who doesn't give *hic* a shit about me . I saw them fighting all the time when they are finally home *hic*. I sometimes used to hide in my room . To stop listening to their argument*hic* ."

Y/N pov:

" Taehyung-"

" Please just let me talk *hic* even if you're not here even if i am imagining you again*hic* . Just let me tell you.  What i have never told *hic* any one not even jimin and kook . I am pathetic ain't i?"

"No you're not" i said now sitting on the bed too. " I am listening tell me everything you want . I promise I'll carefully" i said crying as well i never thought that watching Tae cry will break my heart like this . I hate seeing   tears in his eyes. He slowly leaned down putting his head on my lap and hugging my waist . And i let him do it . I didn't felt uncomfortable at all.

" I was fed up with them * hic*. If it wasn't for Jimin and kook *hic* i would have gone crazy.. they supported me so much . But I could never told them about my situation. One day when i was 15 i told my parents*hic* that i don't want to live with them anymore if they are going to fight like this . All i wanted was to them to realize *hic* that i am their only child and that i exist but you know what they did . They send me to this house the *hic*very next day . They love me so much so there'll fulfill my every need .. love my Ass. I became*hic* rude , arrogant and mean just like my parents but I always wanted some one to love me and than i found it in the girl name of Jennie but *hic*that girl left me right after sleeping with me. I use *hic*to date any girl who proposed me in my previous college. That much desperate i was for love. My loneliness was*hic* lessen because of jimin and kook but the love part was never filled..the girls i used to date they only*hic* cared about my look . When they get in touch with my personality they would broke up with me."

" Sorry " was all i could say. I put my hand in Tae's hair and Slowly massage his scalp .

" Then i came up with the conclusion no more*hic* love hunting ,no more dating and shit . I'll break them before they break me . But than you came in my life . You were always different . I never saw you *hic*glancing at me or even try to look good for like all the girls do in our college . You were*hic* always in your all self. I used to look at you alot.

" You looked at me??" He was noticing me way before i notice him.

" Hehe yes i did . Many times . The day you became my partner . I holded your Arm to talk*hic* to you but i accidentally scared you and said something about making the assignment *hic*alone. You never treated me like the *mic*popular boy . You treated me for me . I like *hic* taunting and teasing you. *Hic* you became my favorite muse. I always loved your family. I envy you for having such a loving and caring family.*hic* . I became Jimin . Because i wanted to know you more *hic* . I was curious to know why you hate me . I wanted to know you more . And before i could realize i was deeply in love *hic*with you . I am so sorry i shouldn't have lied to you . I should *hic*have came straight to you and have told you my feeling . Should have ask you Lee Y/N be my girlfriend please ? " *Hic*

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