Unrequited Love

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Taehyung Pov:
Its Monday again .The weekend was so weird. First i came to realize that i can easily get jealous if Y/N is talking to someone means i am whipped for her. Second a Mysterious girl have dropped me home and according to my maid she was very humble and generous but didn't told them her name. Which was quite strange. Because after getting drunk i usually lose conscious so how the hell she knew where i lived . Third i think i am accepting Sara's stupid offer...


Sara:"Awwww you love her that much. Get up on your feet. I am not a stone hearted person but i still need proof that you love my girl very much "

"What proof" i asked and then she whispered something in my ear and my mouth dropped "I can't do that i am the popular guy of the school"

"Well than say bye to her " sara was about to leave "okay okay I'll do it . Just help me" i said .

Sara:"Fine first do what i said and proof your love . And then I'll help you" she smirked. I hate her .

End of flashback.

At first i thought i didn't need Sara help so i never acknowledge what she said to me . I thought i can do it on my own but i was so wrong . Its been almost a month and Y/N is not giving me any chance to apologize to her . So i think i have to shove my pride aside and do as i was told so that she can realize my true intentions and mu Unrequited love can get its acknowledgement. Well still Stupid, idiot, monster Sara the devil.

I look at the time on my phone stating its 6:30 am already meaning its almost college time . I got up from my bed walking lazily towards the washroom so i can start my morning routine .

After i was done . I wore something that i never thought i would wear. I looked my self in the mirror and wished i was dead . Loving someone is so hard . But that Sara is going to get it when I'll be done with Y/N . I am so taking my revenge on her for making me wear something like this just to proof my love for Y/n. How the hell this going to proof any thing.

"Ahh things i do for love" i said loudly and left my room .

"Young master what the hell are you wearing . Are you alright ?" My Maid said to me .

" I am fine NaNa . Its just i have to proof someone something soo.. " i said shrugging and taking an apple to eat from the basket lying on my diner.

"But master-- "

"Its okay NaNa. I am fine." I said and was about to walk off when she called me again.

"Young master please wait breakfast is about to serve please eat before so go .and trust me you will need lots of energy today." she said pointing on the thing i was wearing . On which i chuckle.

"Nah i am not in the mood... " i said politely. Well she is right though i really need lots of energy...

"Okay as you pleased but Young master can i ask you a thing?"

" Sure what is it?" I looked at her while still eating the apple i took before.

"How will you prove your love by wearing this ???" She pointed at my dressing again . Well i guess i have yo tell her everything.

" Good question NaNa. It just the girl i like have a stupid friend . And that want a proof of me liking her friend more than my image that's why" i said judging my decision.

"Hm hope you get your girl"

" Thanks"

Y/N pov:
I was in college's rooftop sitting with sara . Who finally have time for me. She was nagging about something that Kookie said or did.

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