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Taehyung pov:
"Tae you should-- WAIT Y/N LET ME EXPLAIN" kookie suddenly shouted.
And i gulp hard . Was Y/N with him? . Was she listening to me ? What did kookie wanted to explain to her ? I gathered myself again and asked in a slow voice .

"What happened?". I asked kookie. I really don't want to know the ans.

"Y/n heard everything Tae Tae . She ran away. I am going after her . Catch you later" kookie said from other side of the line. Before it went blank.

"What did Kookie said?" Jimin asked me .

"He said i am DOOMED."

Y/N pov:
"So she doesn't know " he said than look at me my eyes were teary again i am feeling betrayed. How could he .
"Tae you should-- WAIT Y/N LET ME EXPLAIN" kookie shouted when i started running away. I hate them all . They all are jerks.

How can they even do that to me i feel betrayed. I trusted jimin i mean Tae , i mean jimin ahhh i don't even know now . All of it was a lie . The connection i felt,the love,the trust everything was .

What did you get from this Taehyung. Was it all for fun. I was running and crying . Kookie was behind me . He suddenly grabbed me from behind .

Kookie: "please listen."

"What is even there to listen . You all were making a fool out of me right .i bet you also knew i was Tae's fake girlfriend."  I said almost screaming.but that made kookie loose his grip and i realized. How can i be so stupid not to see. They are besties they knew but still pretended i was Tae's girl. I turned around and saw sara coming my way.

I quickly got near her and hugged her tightly.

" Kookie called and said you were not in a good condition what happened?" She said while hugging me back.

I moved away from the hug kookie called since when they knew each other .I was looking at sara.

"Thank god you're here please take care of her . I have to go find Tae. I'll call you later babe." Kookie said before leaving. And sara turned to me .

"What happ--" she tried to speak but i cut her off . "How did Kookie got your no since when did he started calling you babe, when did you guy got this close ? TELL ME ." I was crying.

"Let me explain. I was willing to tell you but kookie said he wanted to tell his boys first and then i thought if i tell you you'll tell Taehyung so i wanted things to settle down first." She said trying to pull me in a hug. I pushed her again.

"Wow now my best friend is also betraying me . Keeping secrets that's not how we roll sara" i was feeling dizzy.

"I didn't betray you Y/n . You just dont have time for me since you started FAKE DATING Taehyung.I DIDN'T BETRAYED YOU . YOU JUST LEFT ME" sara almost screamed.

"So now its my fault that you're keeping secrets from me. You what if i am the problem . So may be i should stop giving you any more hard time" i said wiping my tears.

"Listen bab-" she tried speaking again.

"Just leave don't talk to me ever again YOU , TAEHYUNG ,JIMIN AND THAT JUNGKOOK.". With that i left her  there and started running towards the exit. Thank god i didn't have any more classes that mean i can go home . Because This was too much for me to handle.

Okay sorry for such late update and  after that i am giving a really small chapter sorry but i am having my Exams please wish me luck .

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I purple you all 💜💜💜💜💜

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