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Y/N pov:
After i texted jimin. Soon my phone started ringing.

Jimin calling~~~

I look at my phone. And started to wonder why he is calling. Like we do talk on call but that's mostly me calling him. He rarely calls me. I pressed the green button. And the deep voice echoes my ear.

On call.

"Hello?? Are you alright??"

"Yep what Happened to me ? Wait jimin you ain't going to believe. I had a weirdest dream ."

"What! did you say. JIMIN?"

"YEAH  that's what it's about in my dream you were Taehyung. Like i found out. Its been Taehyung whom i am talking to not you... Hhahah--"

"Listen y/n--"

"No you listen. Its so stupid right--"


"Why would Tae do that he hates me--"

"I want t--"

"I am really crazy for having these type of dreams--"

"But listen-"

"Tae and i hahahahahah"

"LISTEN Y/N . IT WASN'T A DREAM I AM TAEHYUNG. And i am so sorr--"

That's when reality hit me . It wasn't a dream its still Friday the day i found out i have been played and betrayed by those whom i thought was my friends.

"I Hate you"

Was all i could say before hanging up .
Why does it happened to me . After Jimin rejected me that night I thought Tae was the only thing I had . I thought- Wait . If Tae was jimin than it was Tae who rejected me that day not jimin . How stupid I was. That's why jimin always felt distant when we meet face to face. How can i not notice jimin have cute angelic voice while Tae have deep hot voice. I was so naive. They must have laugh well on my stupidity. I started bawling my heart out again . I really want someone to talk to right now. Where is my Mom when i needed her. I was busy in my thoughts . When I heard my door bell ring and by the continues rings i realized Mom and Elsa are still not back . Where the hell are they. Well i wiped my face and get down from my stairs and open the door it was our neighbor Mrs Min .

"Hello Mrs Min". I tried to fake a smile.

"Hello sweetheart. Is your Mom home.?"

"Em no she is out with my sister i guess" 

"Well anyway than i am glad you're home." She said clapping her hands together.

"Why is this anything you need" . I said trying not to be rude.

"Well at least let us in first ? "

"Us ?" I made a confused face.

"I mean me and my son." With that she turned but there was no one behind her . "He is a little shy type."  Then she moved toward the corner of our house and pulled a boy out of that corner. I know this boy he and i used to be friends in childhood not to mention he's two years older than me  but than things happened and we stopped seeing each other. After that i never knew he was there . Well this the first time i am seeing him in 5 years he has grown cute though well I faked a smile and asked them to come in. After setting themselves on the couch Mrs Min said.

"Actually my son has just finished his military service and is going to join college again . He is willing to attend your college."

"So~~ you're here because~" i tried to guess.

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