The Truth

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First Thank You all of you for more than a thousand view and and almost 100 vote. Thank you . You all motivate me alot .

Taehyung pov:
They both called my name .

"Yes me " i said looking at both ."Can i join you two" i said giving them a dead look .



"Thanks Jimin for letting me sit with you" i said in a serious tone.

"Why are you talking like that" Y/N said looking at me . I look at her and than took a seat next to her.

"There is a empty seat right over there" she said pointing at the seat across her near Jimin.

"So why are you two here Alone " i purposely pressure on the word alone.

"She had some misunderstanding about me so i was just clearing that" Chim innocently said

"Hmm okay and what was the misunderstanding that you're talking about". I said putting my head on my hands with were resting on the table.

"What does You have to do with our problem" she snapped.

"Well my girlfriend is talking to my bestfriend ALONE  while i dont even know about that . Its call cheating" i said holding her cheek.

"Are you feeling insecure? " Jimin said confuse.

"Well even if you're feeling that we are no--" i stopped her by putting my lips on her lips.

"What the hell Tae " Jimin said moving me away from her . While y/n  was sitting there shocked.

"Stay out of this she is my girl stop talking to her with out my permission" i groaned.

*Ack* i touched my cheek which was now aching.

"How dare you " with that she took her bag and ran away.

"I told you we were just clearing some misunderstanding that you created. Tae why the hell you told her she looks ugly while being Jimin" Jimin said

"Did she said that to you. Well whatever stop meeting her " i said still holding my cheek.

"She is not your property . You're insecure Because you're lying to her "


"What?" That was all Jimin said. Then i told him about last night conversation.

"Even if she said that she like me she still thinks the Jimin on call is better than me . So in short she likes you Tae"


"Yes you stupid she likes you she just dont know its you so kindly go and tell her about the whole situation" jimin said softly.

"You think ?. " I asked

"Yes she'll be mad but then she'll be able to accept you. You telling her will be less harmful than she finding out from someone else"

"Okay and sorry i behaved like that " i said apologizing

"Its okay . I know you were just jealous. Well did you remind kookie about the situation again that bubble head must have forgotten that" jimin said reminding me about Kookie

"Ah so that was what i was forgetting.well lets go find him " with that we both left the cafeteria.

Y/N pov:
Tears keep running down my eyes its not like it happened for the first time. He kissed me on his birthday too , and its even not like I hated his touch but in front of jimin like why my heart is feeling so overwhelmed that it's making my eyes teary. I was blushing so hard that's why i had to run . Like if i like Jimin than why just a little touch from Tae was making me so warm ugh i had him more . I was in my thoughts when i bumped into someone.

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